Now that the Luther movie is in video form, parts of it might be viewed. Have you made your lesson plans yet? Please post!
I just ordered from Creative Communications for Lutheran (1-800-325-9414) the following items that look really terrific in addition to the bookmarks mentioned above:
- Life-size Stand up Martin Luther (no longer available)
- Booklet "Martin Luther! God loves You" for grades 3-8 (ML8, 2 to 99, 99¢ ea.)
- Teacher guide for the booklet (ML-2, $3.99)
The above all seem to be discontinued, check out these newer releases:
- This is Most Certainly True Activity Booklet https://www.creativecommunicat...ildrens-sermons.aspx
- This is Most Certainly True Flipbook https://www.creativecommunicat...ildrens-sermons.aspx
- DVD of "Martin Luther! God Loves You" (Vision Video's website)
- "Adventures of Martin Luther" by website).