Luther Ideas
My kindergartener is learning to count. Having this age group count out nine groups of ten and then 5 to help them understand how many 95 is is an idea.
How about children making a newspaper or magazine page layout explaining one of the complaints in an eye-catching manner?
You could make recycled paper (for your scroll) using leftover paper. (Lots of paper making techniques around).
Luther was really inviting people to a debate, so for a drama lesson, at least with older kids, you could have a debate about one of Luther's issues, or one of the issues in your church with different children assigned to opposing points of view.
You could project an image of Luther using an overhead projector, trace onto large piece of paper, and then work as a group to paint or otherwise fill in the outline. [Not sure that I'd want a giant Luther head around ??]
Have the children work in teams to create a 95 Theses game board for a set of questions that either you prepare or they make up.