Question Posted by Cathy W
I would appreciate some ideas for our Reformation program, which will be happening in October.
Our church does not do a Christmas program every year; instead, we do programs at various times in the church year. We have done Christmas, Epiphany, the Last Supper. Next fall, we are doing a Reformation program. We are Lutheran, so the main focus will be Martin Luther.
We do not do a stand-alone program. Instead, we are a part of the second service. Our part of the service lasts 15-20 minutes. Generally, we sing 2 songs (one for younger kids, one for older), do some sort of short drama/skit, and do "something else". In the past, the something else has included: a choral reading of the Bible story (Last Supper), a candle-lit procession with readings (Epiphany) and a Christmas poem--with each line starting with C, then H, then R....
The only time we rehearse is during Sunday School (which lasts 45 minutes). We take 3-4 Sundays to prepare for the program and then present it at the second service that last week.
I know it is early, but I am trying to get as much done this summer, especially since rehearsals will start in September!!
Reply by Jan S.
Well, I think singing A Mighty Fortress would be a given!
I am wondering if there are not some denominational resources you could tap for a skit?
I am picturing the 95 theses and the door- perhaps you could have a group of children who would each represent ONE of the theses- and each child could be brought forward in front of a door and "proclaim" his/her part? You would obviously not be able to do all 95! The kids might be wearing black turtle necks and pants.
I am also picturing other kids using dowel rods to represent the door.
I am not sure what your space looks like, but maybe that will spark something for you.
I would also check out a great source for skits etc that are free.
Or, you could consider having a "trial" and present the story that way?
I hope you let us know what you come up with!
Jan S