
Reply to "VIDEO Workshop Lessons & Ideas for Mary & Martha"

Mary and Martha
Video Workshop

Summary of Lesson Activities:
Children will view the video “Martin the Cobbler” and explore ways that they can show hospitality to others and to God.

Bible Background Note:
Jesus’ encounter with Martha and Mary, as recorded in these verses, is part of a larger series of reflections on how to be a good disciple. In these verses in Luke, Mary is the one who models hospitality for her honored guest.

Scripture Reference:
Luke 10:38-42.

Key Verse:
Luke 10:38b “... When they got [to the village] Martha welcomed him into her home.” (Contemporary English Version)


  • God has given us different talents to help others
  • God wants us to have a good attitude
  • God wants us to act like we are getting ready for Jesus

Lesson Objectives:

  • Children will view the video “Martin the Cobbler”.
  • The children will learn the value of hospitality.
  • The children will explore ways that they can show hospitality to others and to God.

Leader Preparation:

  • Read the scripture ahead of time.
  • Gather the materials.
  • Preview the video.

Supplies List:

  • “Martin the Cobbler” DVD
  • Popcorn


Opening - Welcome and Introductions:

Greet the children and introduce yourself

Ask the children what they would do if someone famous like Britney Spears/Michael Jordan/Tiger Woods/etc was to come and visit them in their home tomorrow and stay for lunch? How would they prepare for the visit? Get ideas from the kids: clean up the house, tidy the toys, shop for food, prepare special food, etc. When the guest arrives. What would the hosts do? Do you go back into the kitchen and keep working away while the guest talks and visits with others? NO! You would want to be right there listening to every word of our honored guest. Would that make the guest feel special?

Dig - Main Content and Reflection:

Read the story of Mary and Martha. (The Contemporary English Version is very simple and easy to understand. Tell the children to listen for the ways that Mary and Martha behaved when their honored guest arrived. What did Mary do? (sit and listen to Jesus) What did Martha do? (Went back to the kitchen) Who showed more respect and honor to Jesus? Which was more pleasing to Jesus? Why?

The word hospitality means to show care, to welcome someone. A similar word is hospital. What do these words have in common?

Reread the special verse for this lesson in Luke 10:38b, “When they got [to the village] Martha welcomed him into her home.” (Contemporary English Version). This lesson is about hospitality and showing kindness to others.


Set up the story for the children.

Younger Children: (You may want to tell a little of what is going to happen in the story so that the children will understand the plot.)

One day, a holy man (a pastor) comes to Martin with an old Bible in need of repair. Martin reads the Bible about a Pharisee who invites Jesus to his home, but treats Jesus poorly as his guest (reference Luke 7:36-50). It upsets Martin that anyone would treat Jesus badly. He falls asleep and dreams that Jesus is going to visit him. The next day, Martin goes about his work watching for a sign of Jesus coming to his shop. As he waits, he helps others.

Play the video.

Discussion: recap the main events of the story with the children.

  • When Martin thought the Lord was coming to visit how did he behave? (He was kind to the street sweeper, the woman and baby and the old woman and boy).
  • How did Martin change? (he seemed happier, he was kind (to the mouse), he started to care about others instead of just himself).
  • How was welcoming others into his home like welcoming God into his home?
  • Was Martin more like Mary or like Martha? Explain.

Emphasize the point that Martin showed hospitality to God by showing hospitality to others. Say:  Martin found God in helping other people. Note that Martin was also blessed with happiness and a new attitude.

Reflection Time:
(or Journaling)

  • Martin acted different when he thought Jesus was coming for a visit. How would you behave or change if you thought Jesus was going to visit you?
  • List two things that you could do to prepare for his coming.

    Prompt: Where might you find Jesus? (helping the homeless, making a new friend, helping someone in need, talking to a lonely child at school, being kind to a brother/sister.)

Tell the children you are going to pray in the closing prayer about what they can do to meet Jesus in their lives.

You could ask the children to volunteer their suggestions on how to show hospitality to others and therefore to God. Then lift up their ideas to God in prayer and ask for help to carry them out throughout the week.


  • Billy Budd Films, Inc. – Martin the Cobler (see this link for where to find)
  • St. Elmo’s Year One Rotation Curriculum - Mary and Martha Rotation, Movie Theater.

This lesson plan is copyrighted and belongs to the Kirk of Kildaire Presbyterian, Cary North Carolina. It may be used for non-profit uses only.

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