
Reply to "Don't Worry! Be Thankful! (Matt 6:25-34) ~ Ideas, Activities, and Resources"

PRESCHOOL LESSON IDEAS from our Marketplace VBS -- one day/about three hours


MAIN STORY: Don’t worry about what you will eat or what you will wear ... look at the lilies of the fields and the birds of the air.

SCRIPTURE: Matthew 6:25-34

POINT: God Gives us blessings every day

MEMORY VERSE: “I will pour my blessing on my people” Isaiah 44:3

SNACK: fruit cocktail and water


  • paper dolls precut from pattern:
  • fresh flowers
  • magnifying glasses
  • smooth stone
  • cardstock
  • fabric and paper scraps (some precut to flower shapes)
  • glue
  • memory verse printed on a strip of paper
  • four large (adult man’s) button-up shirts
  • CD player
  • CD of praise music

Encourage children to visit centers and engage them in conversation as indicated below.


Art:      Draw clothes on paper doll chains: Secret of HappinessyFun/DollChain/

Book:  "The Secret of Happiness: The Sermon on the Mount for Children" by Jan Godfrey, 2010.

Blocks:          Build a house with blocks

Kitchen:          Encourage the children to “cook” large meals for their friends/the dolls

Science: Look closely at fresh flowers. Use magnifying glasses and discuss what they see.  https://www.newchurchvineyard....lowers-matthew06.pdf

Coloring sheet:


Review memory verse.

 “I will pour my blessing on my people” Isaiah 44:3

 I           Pointing to yourself is a natural gesture for indicating the concept of me, but when referring to God, point up.

 POUR          The signer mimics the action of pouring liquid from a jug.

BLESSING The hands mimic the action of blessing someone.        

PEOPLE      The P handshapes (2 fingers [like a peace sign] pointing down) move in alternating circles. The circular movement can be forward or backward.


Flower Collage:IMG_5634-2

Before class cut out flowers from flower patterned material. Cut out green stems and leaf shapes. Have the children glue the material onto a piece of cardstock. Instruct the children to make pictures out of fabric scraps of flowers or birds to remind them how much God cares for us. Make a card for each picture that has a memory verse on it.

Have the children glue the verse cards onto their pictures when they are finished.


“Seek Ye First”


“Sharing Shirts”

adapted from The Humonguous Book of Games for Children’s Ministry by Group

Have the children gather in a circle. Place all the shirts in the middle (there should be one shirt for every two children). Tell the children that this is a game that will help them remember not to worry about what clothes they will wear.

Tell the children that when you say “go” they should grab a shirt from the pile and put it on. Remind them they should not worry what it looks like.

When they grab shirts, they will quickly realize there are more people than shirts. Ask, “How can you solve this problem?” Help them realize they can share shirts.

Have the children fit two per shirt. Then play music while the pairs dance in their shared shirts. Stop the music and have them freeze. Continue to play the “freeze dance” game, or have them trade partners, or take out shirts and have 3 to a shirt (as interest level dictates).

SNACK:      talk about the wonderfully abundant food.


“God’s blessings for me:”

Help the children think about what blessings they are enjoying: homes, parents, siblings, pets, the beautiful world, school, VBS, whatever. Encourage them to draw pictures, or have them dictate what to write in their journals.


Review memory verse.

Clean up room.

Send home projects with children.


ASL Browser - videos of the signs used in memory verse check this site for words

More craft suggestions can be found at Danielle's Place of Crafts and Activities under "Worry"


Images (2)
  • Book-The Secret of Happiness
  • IMG_5634-2
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