The following was emailed to all Supporting Members on May 7, 2013

This month's email brings Good News about many new resources and exciting news about a Google grant. As always, your Supporting Membership makes our site possible, and your lessons and creative ideas make it wonderful.
- Cooking and Game workshop ideas and lessons for the Good Samaritan forum.
- Video and Game workshop ideas and lessons the Parable of the Sower forum.

Here are a few highlights....
- Parable treasure hunt idea for Parable of the Treasure in the Field (+mustard seed, leaven, pearl).
- Parable of the Sower "Gardening" workshop Idea.
- Church Camp -themed Workshop Design, Summer Sunday School --new topic to glean and add to. camp-bible-wahoo
- Pentecost Lessons
- Paul, Road to Damascus Lessons (recently renovated, new lessons added)
Scotland UCC's Sunday School Sign:

As Supporting Members, you are invited to download and use any of our Wormy graphics. Wormy Graphics Forum.
Have a great Rotation Photo to share? Email it to Carol at has been given an "adwords" grant from Google!
We'll be receiving up to $10,000 a month in free ads in their search engine results. As a non-profit with a unique web mission, we fit their grant requirements quite well. This should be a great help in spreading the word about our resources.
This is an "in-kind" grant, not a cash award. Those searching Google with keywords such as, "free Sunday School lessons," will now see an add linking to our site. We'll report on the statistical results in a few months.
The Volunteer Writing Team's Paul's Conversion lesson drafts will soon go to our editors, legendary curriculum writers, Phyllis and Ken Wezeman.
See a menu of all the Writing Team Lesson Sets.
The Parables Lesson Forum was overhauled in April. Seventeen! volunteers worked to rate each post and suggest improvements. The result is a leaner forum with improved lessons and layout.
A group of reviewers has now turned to the MIracles of Jesus Forum. That forum will reopen at the end of May.
Our Spring Renovation Reviewers are:
BarbM, Carolyn Peterson, Heidi Weber, Sandia, PlymouthUCC, HDood, Debbie Fisher, Scotland UCC, Virginia Colvig, ZBCC, Marbull, CathyHoop, Leena, Marg, CmStuber, Sherrill, CathyW, Creative Carol, Neil MacQueen, and Luanne Payne. (If we missed you, tell us)
Thank you!
The SEARCH option is super-powerful in our new Exchange software. Use keywords and see results fast! If you're in the Members page, the Search feature can be used to find a member by name, city, state.
Look for it above our animated WoRM logo...
The Supporting Member Lounge is the place to ASK FOR LESSON AND RESOURCE HELP. Looking for a video, an art project, help with a problem, a game Idea? Opinion on VBS curric?
The Help Lounge is not limited to Rotation questions.
Ask and your questions will be answered!
Do not "reply" to this email. If you need help, go to the Support Forum or Member Lounge.