Photograph Collage
Originally posted by member 'found'....
We asked parents to bring in pictures of their children's baptism.
We copied the pictures and made a collage.
Neil MacQueen added this Video or Photo idea...
Not everyone will remember to bring in photos, or have photos, so here's an alternate idea based on a funny Video lesson I once did that could easily be done as an A-V or DRAMA Workshop lesson, or used to create printable digital photos for the ART collage.
We wrapped one of the students in a baby blanket and gave him a pacifier, and had him make a funny face during close-up video shots of his face for the following "re-enactment of a baptism". The kids LOVED THIS.
You could follow this basic idea for an A-V lesson, or stop right here and take digital photographs of EACH of your students wrapped up like a baby (while water is being poured on them) --to print and use in your collage.
Here's a sketch of the Video Drama we did...
In the video we dressed two kids as parents holding a blanket-wrapped doll. We dressed a kid as the pastor, and others as "god parents". Each had something to say which was scripted by the kids as part of our study.
During the re-enactment, the video camera zoomed in to show the REACTIONS of the various participants as the words of the service were spoken by the pastor. When it came to a close-up of the baby, we refocused on the real kid wrapped in a blanket instead of the doll in the parent's hands.
The script had words from the pastor about baptism as he "koochey-koo-ed" the doll. It has "a charge to the parents and god parents", which we captured on the video using closeups. (The godparents and parents had to make some pretty crazy commitments, -which the students came up with during their study about "what your parents promised").
At various points in the script we paused the video camera to refocus it on a close up of the real kid wrapped in the blanket to get face shots/reaction.
In addition to the basic words of the service and the charge to the parents/godparents, --which the kids had to come up with as part of their study... we also had a HUMOROUS but POIGNANT POINT in the skit was about "how much water does the baby need?" ...with the "Pastor" (another kid) reciting a long list of all the things which the baby did wrong, and was EVER going to do wrong (the kids came up with that list).
As the camera focused on the kid wrapped in the blanket, we heard the words of the pastor reciting the long list of the baby's "present and future sins" the students had come up with, and the pastor kept pouring water onto the poor baby (the kid was sputtering), at least two pitchers worth, depending on how many sins the students had come up.
It was extremely memorable to say the least.
<>< Neil
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