
Science and Faith Resources, and Misc Resources on Teaching the Creation Story

Editor's Note:
This discussion thread is for interesting ideas and points that don't fit into any of the other areas of this forum.

This topic also includes resources for teaching the Creation Story from a mainline Christian (Faith + Science) point of view.


Some Bible study/ideas originally posted by Neil MacQueen in response to a question originally posted in this thread: What to tell our kids about needing to go to church on Sunday?

Teaching Our Kids About "Resting" on the Sabbath.

"Why Sunday?"

What if our families tried to follow old-timey Sabbath rules on Sunday after worship? What if they created a POSTER for their home and a 'game' of it, or TAKE HOME placemats for Sunday's dinner for the family to read and admit how their activities 'broke' the rules? Would create some interesting discussion!

Sabbath Rules, Seventh Day of the Week, Why Saturday or Sunday?

Genesis 2 –Establishing the Sabbath

2 On the seventh day, having finished his task, God rested from all his work. 3 And God blessed the seventh day and declared it holy, because it was the day when he rested from his work of creation.

The 39 Categories
The Jewish Sages specified 39 categories of endeavor which are not allowed on the Sabbath. It is important to understand that these are general categories. For instance, mowing the lawn could fit into a few of these categories, including plowing, reaping or harvesting.

1. Carrying
2. Burning
3. Extinguishing
4. Finishing
5. Writing
6. Erasing
7. Cooking
8. Washing
9. Sewing
10. Tearing
11. Knotting
12. Untying
13. Shaping
14. Plowing
15. Planting
16. Reaping
17. Harvesting
18. Threshing
19. Winnowing
20. Selecting
21. Sifting
22. Grinding
23. Kneading
24. Combing
25. Spinning
26. Dyeing
27. Chain-stitching
28. Warping
29. Weaving
30. Unraveling
31. Building
32. Demolishing
33. Trapping
34. Shearing
35. Slaughtering
36. Skinning
37. Tanning
38. Smoothing
39. Marking

Sunset to Sunrise
In the Biblical calendar, a new day starts at sunset, and ends at sunset. This is because in the Torah, in the book of Bereshiyt (Genesis) the days of creation are described as "and the evening and the morning were the ___ day."

However, "sunset" is not a moment in time, a specific instant which we can look out our window and say has come. So all preparations and other normal-day activities must be complete by the beginning of sunset. The Sabbath then ends at the end of sunset the next day, creating a day of approximately 25 hours.
Two Candles are lit just before Sundown on Friday to begin the Sabbath (in case one blows out) These are called the HAVDALAH candles.
At the lighting they say: Baruch atah Ado-nai, Ehlo-haynu melech Ha-olam, asher kideshanu b'mitzvotav v'tzeevanu l'hadlik ner shel Shabbat
Which means: Blessed are you L-rd, our G-d ruler of the world, who sanctified us through His commandments and commanded us, to kindle the lights of the Sabbath. A short Havdalah ceremony also ends the Sabbath.

Colossians 2:16-17:
Paul writes: " no let anyone put you down ...because of the different holy days you celebrate. ...The important thing is that you celebrate Christ. "

Why the Sabbath moved to Sunday

In 321 A..D. Emperor Constantine declared that Sunday was to be a day of rest throughout the Roman Empire:

"On the venerable day of the Sun let the magistrates and people residing in cities rest, and let all workshops be closed."

In Roman beliefs, the god Saturn was evil. Saturday was named after him. But the Sun was considered the giver of life –what you needed at the beginning of another week. So feasts were held that day. (Except for the sabbath, Jews simply number their week days.)

As Christianity spread across the Roman empire, it became natural to celebrate the Lord’s Feast (communion) on Sunday. It was also noted that Jesus was resurrected on a Sunday, but this was not a strong argument for worship on Sunday until much later in Christian history.

The Church Council of Laodicea around 364 CE ordered Christians not to observed the Sabbath on Saturday in order to distance the Christian faith from the Jewish faith.

Exodus 20:8-11
The Ten Commandments command all to preserve the seventh day, Saturday, as a day of rest:
8 "Remember to observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. 9 Six days a week are set apart for your daily duties and regular work, 10 but the seventh day is a day of rest dedicated to the LORD your God. On that day no one in your household may do any kind of work.

What’s the First Day of the Week?
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has decreed that Monday shall be the first day of the week. (International standard ISO-8601)

Prepared by Neil MacQueen from various web resources.
Edited for formatting by volunteer moderator


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Last edited by Neil MacQueen
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