
Reply to "MISC IDEAS for Parable of the Talents"

A Music Workshop Lesson Idea

During our 2013 renovation, we found this gem. The thing you have to keep in mind is that all the different instruments are going to create a funny cacophony, but that is the POINT!  

God's Spirit turns our talents into a symphony.

Originally posted by member Jan of Napa:


  • candle (battery operated) or flashlight 
  • CD Player
  • CD - “This Little Light of Mine” (on Bob & Larry’s Sunday Morning Songs CD).
  • Assortment of Musical Instruments such as: Boomwhackers, bells, etc.

Review the story of the Parable of the Talents by having everyone sit in a circle. Hand one person a candle (battery operated) or flashlight and tell a sentence from the parable. Then pass the candle to the next person to add on a sentence. If someone does not know what comes next (can’t remember or their first time hearing the story) they can say “pass” and pass it along to the next person. Workshop leader should be prepared to help out if necessary.

After story review:

Ask:  When a band plays, does everyone play the same instrument? (No) 

Say: Different people play different instruments, as well as, different notes at different times to create a beautiful song. We are all children of God and together we’re like a band. We all have different parts to play in order to accomplish our goal. Nobody here plays a solo.

The church is like a body. Not all the people do the same thing, but all are necessary. If one person refuses to do their part, it hurts the whole body. We all have a part to play that contributes to the work God wants us all to accomplish together. 

While learning about the Parable of the Talents that Jesus told, we’ve discovered that each of us has at least one spiritual gift that God has given us and various abilities or talents.

Ask:  Can anyone name a gift they have discovered they have?

Ask:   Can anyone name some of the roles that various people in the church fill. (usher, reader, choir/music, deacons, teaching, etc.) 

Have group think which roles their talents may lead them to fill in the future.

Ask:    Have you heard of the song “This Little Light of Mine”? This song is talking about our “light” that we should shine. What do you think that light is? (God’s love in us, our gifts and talents God has given us) God wants us to shine our gifts and talents and use them to help others to bring glory to God. Let’s listen and sing along to “This Little Light of Mine” (on Bob & Larry’s Sunday Morning Songs CD).

Say: Earlier I mentioned: We all have different parts to play in order to accomplish our goal. We’re going to play a song together now and each of us will have one instrument and one note to play. By itself, one note would be nice, but together we can make a whole song!

Pass out Boomwhackers and learn, then play the song. Could also use bells or other instruments with just using the beat.

Moderator adds:  Ask your organist to write you up an easy 8-note bell/boomwacker version of the song.

Resources: Info on Boomwhackers can be found at:

A representative of reformatted this post to improve readability.

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