Wormy's Thoughts on Joseph's Coat
Wormy wonders out loud about the connection between JOSEPH's Cloak of Many Colors, and Harry Potter's Invisible Cloak that gave him the power of invisibility, and Superman's Cape.
Wormy wonders if Joseph had wished his father's favoritism was "less visible" and that maybe he could have disappeared when his brothers meant him harm.
Wormy wonders what WE would like to be able to put on to tell others TO WHOM WE BELONG, but also to warn others "who favors us".
Wormy notes that Elijah put his mantle/cloak on young Elisha (2Kings2). It was a symbol of authority. Elisha used it to strike the Jordan and make the waters part after Elijah was gone.
No wonder Joseph's brothers were jealous.
Why is our first impulse jealousy instead of thanksgiving?