
Reply to "MISC Resources for Teaching about the Bible & Books of the Bible"

Storytelling/Art (Younger children)

Link Dead - Jean's story seems to have disappeared completely off the internet so I've added it below as it's too good to be lost.

It notes the first idea comes from a 1984 issue of Bible Teacher's Mailbox Swapshop

About a caterpillar and the different colours of his body to represent the entire Old Testament.

Next is a story called "The Book Worm" by Jean Taylor of Searcy, Ark, which you can use with the caterpillar - very nicely done!


by Jean Taylor of Searcy, Ark


Once there was a little worm who didn't like to live in the trees. He tried the grass and flowers, but he didn't like them either.

One day he went into a house, and there he found a book. He liked the book. It was a telephone book, and he was so happy. He read and read. But after a while, he got tired of reading names and numbers.

He found another book. It was one of Daddy's books. It told how to fix cars and dripping faucets. Now that wasn't interesting to Worm because he would never have a car or a faucet.

Worm wiggled over to another book. It was Mother's. It told about how to make a cake, cookies and meatloaf. Worm could just see himself falling into a bowl and being beaten by a mixer. When he read the words "Bake at 350°," Worm almost fainted. He would get baked for sure.

He quickly went to another book. It was Billy's book. It told about "Three Billy Goats Gruff," "Three Bears and Goldilocks," and about "Three Little Pigs." Oh, he was so happy. He read these stories for three days. But on the fourth day, he didn't want to read them anymore. He knew them by heart. He could say them without reading them.

He must find another book. He had noticed that everybody in the family read out of one special book everyday. He decided to read it.

It was a true book about real people named Noah, Moses, David, Goliath, Jesus, Paul, and many, many more. It even told how God made the world. Worm read the book everyday. Sometimes he re-read the stories and found things he had missed. Worm decided this must be the best book of all.

Do you know what book it was? The Bible! He could read it all his life and never learn everything in it. God's Book is the best book of all.

Update: an ART idea we did to go with "The Book Worm" story above.

  1. I found an open book graphic and inserted the text "BIBLE" at top left side of open bible.
  2. Print or copy onto white or beige cardstock (8 1/2 x 11).
  3. On page background have them draw a favorite bible story or stories, really young children you could also use bible story stickers. Standard Publishing has stickers of Jesus' Life.
  4. Someone had given me a box of precut circles in 5 different colours (5 cm diameters), how lucky was I!
  5. Kids created "Book Worm" reading the bible by gluing a head (1 circle) and five body parts onto page.
  6. Each body circle had a letter written on it B I B L E to spell out bible.
  7. Draw on feet, eyes, glasses, antenna, etc. or glue on pipe cleaners, etc. for further effect.
  8. Finished art shows "Book Worm" reading his favourite book the bible!
  9. How elaborate their creations will depend on the age level.

(Older kids adaption - you could have them pick a book of the bible to research, then illustrate a scene from a story from the book they chose.)


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