This topic is collecting "other" types of activities and lesson plans for teaching the Story of Creation not covered by our primary collection of art, games, software, drama, food, and video lesson ideas and plans.
If you have an idea or resource to share that doesn't neatly fit into an existing forum topic, post it here.
Originally posted by member Nicole Hartung, Westport, CT
Photography Workshop "Days of Creation" Scavenger Hunt Idea
We organized our kids with cellphones and had them go outside and take photos of things in creation according to what they read in Genesis 1. They had to get create with "things that swim" since we didn't have any fish or bodies of water nearby. The kids invented their own oceans in sinks, bowls, and had to take a photo of them resting/worshiping on the Sabbath day.
TIP: Have the kids message their photos DURING the Scavenger Hunt to your "techie" so they can pull them up on their laptop and quick assemble them into a slideshow for playback when all the kids returned. Export the slideshow as a video file and post it to your church's Facebook or website.