Preschooler and Younger Children Creation Story Music Activities
Genesis 1:1 - 2:3
God created the world and us to share his joy and enjoy the beauty of life that reveals his glory.
First, use a Bible storybook to read the Story of Creation to your students.
Second, give each student a copy of the "7 Days Illustration Template" (attached) and some markers. As you very briefly mention and discuss each day, have them quickly illustrate each day.
Day 1: day and night
Day 2: sky and clouds
Day 3: land, plants, and sea
Day 4: sun, moon, and stars
Day 5: fish and birds
Day 6: animals and people
Day 7: God rested and said it was good!
Questions and Comments for each day:
- Why do you think God created that?
- Do you like those things?
- When you see them, how do they make you feel? (God made Creation to reveal his heart to us. Each wonderful thing in Creation sings his praise and makes us pause to consider how wonderful God is and the gift of beauty and wonder he has surrounded us with. God even created "rest" so that we/he could look back and enjoy Creation. This is a very common theme throughout the Bible.)
Here are the 7 Days of Creation set to the song, "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands"
Before singing the song, have students decide which hand motions should go with that particular day. Write these on the board using a word or two to help you or the kids remember.
1. He's got the whole world in his hands,
He's got the whole world in His hands,
He's got the whole world in His hands,
He's got the whole world in His hands.
2. He's got the day and the night in His hands,
3. He's got the sky and the clouds in His hands,
4. He's got the land, plants, and sea in His hands,
5. He's got the sun, moon, and stars in His hands,
6. He's got the fish and the birds in His hands,
7. He's got the animals and people in His hands,
8. On the seventh day He rested and said it was good,
On the seventh day He rested and said it was good,
On the seventh day He rested and said it was good,
He made the whole world in His hands!
From a lesson originally posted by member Tisha S. Alfson