Creation Story Songs for Preschoolers
Member Dana posted the following question about "looking for songs about Creation for preschoolers" and we've consolidated member answers below. Feel free to post your suggestion by hitting the "reply" button at the bottom of this topic.
Member Dana asked:
I am looking for a very simple CREATION SONG SUGGESTIONS FOR 2/3 YEAR-OLDS. Something that has some movement/action and sung to the tune of a familiar song would be a great big plus.
Valerie Replied
Somewhere I remember using the praise song "GOD IS SO GOOD" and then add the following verses:
Thank God for sunshine,
Thank God for sunshine,
Thank God for sunshine,
He's so good to us.
And then continue with thanking Him for other aspects of creation...the sky....nighttime... big trees....
let the kids come up with what they are thankful for.
Angie Ross Replied
PIGGY BACK SONG BOOKS have two great books--one with Jesus songs and one about God. The simple songs are to be sung to familiar tunes like London Bridge, Farmer in the Dell, Row Row Row Your Boat, etc.
click on below and scroll down for more infor.
Piggyback Book Information
MMB Replied
I would recommend the Piggy Back Songs listed at the back of AUGSBURG FORTRESS'S "LIFESONGS" (It goes with their Sunday School curriculum, but the songs are great other places! Especially for churches with a liturgical worship style.)
I've used this with toddlers as young as 14 months, making up motions to go with each verse. (They love to creep on the floor with verse 5!) Even if they don't sing, they seem to get the idea. (words removed due to copyright)