Children's Creation Story Song and "Tapestry"
I had a powerful creation lesson with this age group based on the song "Before There Were Roses" by Ken Medema.
You could also use Saddleback Kids' "Creation Song" for early childhood (has arm motions). See its video below.
Links to the Medema song clip:
- To hear a clip
- To download the song for $1 click here
Medema's song on YOUTUBE:
The idea in Ken Medema's lyrics is that before everything there was God- the weaver- and God's plan, and that He weaves everything together in an "infinite tapestry." I explained what a "tapestry" was and showed them a picture of one.
It is a really neat-sounding song- you can feel the "weaving."
- As they listen to the song, have the kids write down everything "created" that they hear in the song.
- We then talked about tapestriesand discussed the idea that each one of them was part of God's created tapestry- part of his beautiful design.
- Editor Adds: Now make a "Creation Tapestry" using squares of loose burlap or a "group tapestry table" where all the kids work to weave yarn into the burlap to create a Creation Story Tapestry (see photo below). The resulting tapestry won't win any awards, but it will put the story into memory and produce a shareable-discussionable result!