Here are a few ideas, I came across that don't fit into any of the topics we currently have, for Simeon and Anna.
- Simeon and Anna free lessons and activities for OLDER PRESCHOOLERS from the Sunday School Zone found here
- Podcast—Simeon and Anna: The Oldest Bucket List
(Teachers may enjoy this.) This is a podcast all about the people caught up in the story of Jesus. Here's a question for you: what's on your bucket list? For Simeon and Anna, they had a special list: to see the awaited Messiah.
(17:55 minutes) includes ads at 6:21 & 7:29; Simeon starts at 8:35 mins., Anna starts at@ 15:00 mins.- based on Daniel Darling book "The Characters of Christmas: 10 Unlikely People Caught Up in the Story of Jesus"
- Baby Jesus Visits the Temple, Arch Book
Series, Concordia Publishing House, 2001. Ages 5-9.
Retells the events of Jesus' presentation at the Temple and his encounters with Simeon and Anna (Luke 2:21-40). - Waiting, Waiting, Waiting! The Story of Simeon and Anna,
by Patricia L. Nedervel (God Loves Me Series)
Tells the story of Simeon and Anna (found in Luke 2:21-38) in simple words a young child can understand (ages 2-3).