
Reply to "Paul and Silas in Philippi Jail (Acts 16) Workshops Lessons and Ideas"

Paul & Silas in Prison (Acts 16:16-40)

First Baptist Church, Midland, MI, May 2006

A Drama Workshop Script

Begin Act I

Setting: Silas is on one side of the room, sitting at a desk, writing. On the other side of the room stands a woman who is a fortune teller (she pretends to be talking). A small group is sitting around her, listening intently to everything she has to say. Her master is standing near by, watching very carefully.

List of characters:
1. Paul
2. Silas
3. Crowd (primary aged children)
4. Fortune Teller
5. Master

1. Desk, paper, pencil
2. Several coins
3. Small, empty money bag
4. Large, full money bag

Paul walks in, and begins speaking to Silas.

Paul: Ah, my good friend Silas! (Silas looks up and greets Paul).

Silas: Hello Paul! I was just writing down some of my thoughts about our trip so far. God has been so wonderful to us on this journey!

Paul: Yes, indeed He has! And we must thank Him for that, in our prayers. In fact, it is time for us to go to the place of prayer right now. Are you ready?

Silas: I sure am! (Silas closes his book, and stands up. Paul and Silas “travel” toward the fortune teller together.)

Fortune Teller: …and so I predict that this time tomorrow we will have a large rain storm!

ByStander: (impressed) Ohhhh… Camilla, you always know what is going to happen next! Here are 10 coins, to thank you for my good fortune.

Camilla puts one coin in her bag, and gives 9 others to her master. Her bag is small, and sounds empty when she puts in the coin. The master has a large coin bag which makes lots of noise. The master laughs heartily, almost sinisterly.

Paul and Silas walk past the crowd, but they do not say anything. Suddenly, the fortune teller looks directly at the men, points and says:

Fortune Teller: These men are servants of the Most High God. They will tell you the way to be saved.

Paul: Camilla, it is through the grace of our Lord Jesus that we are saved. (Acts 15:11) (Paul and Silas start to walk away. The Fortune Teller follows them).

Fortune Teller: (addresses the crowd) Listen to these men… They are servants of the Most High God. They will tell you the way to be saved.

Silas: Camilla, every day we tell you: Salvation is found in no one else than in Jesus Christ; there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved. Acts 4:12

Master: (speaks angrily) Go on! Pay the woman for her fortune! What she says is true! (Paul and Silas turn their backs and walk away. Fortune Teller still follows them).

Fortune Teller: (anxiously looks around) These men are servants of the Most High God. They will tell you the way to be saved.

Silas: (speaking to the master) You should be ashamed of yourself! This woman makes a lot of money, but it is all for you! You do not take good care of her. You would be a poor man if she did not have this evil spirit within her!

Paul: (exasperated) In the name of Jesus Christ I command you to come out of her! (immediately the fortune teller faints. Her master becomes angry and points at Paul and Silas)

Master: Why you miserable, no good for nothing… I’ll get you for this! Arrest those men!

(Crowd grabs a hold of Peter and Silas.).

End of Act I

Begin Act II

Setting: Silas and Paul sit on the floor of the jail. Their feet are bound with chains. They are bandaged up, obviously hurt. A Roman Soldier is talking to the jailor nearby.

List of characters:
1. Paul
2. Silas
3. Roman Soldier
4. Jailor

1. Jailhouse
2. Bandages and wraps for Paul & Silas
3. Chains for their feet
4. Boxes around, to make the earthquake
5. Sword

Roman Soldier: … and be extra careful to guard those two new prisoners, Paul and Silas. If they get away – then you will be executed in their place! Understand?

Jailor: (does not speak. Nods head “yes,” and looks very scared.)
Roman Soldier: This will show those people from Jerusalem… they come here all high and mighty… think they can turn our city upside down with their unlawful customs and practices. Thank goodness we Romans are a civilized society!

(Roman soldier and jailor walk away. Paul and Silas begin to moan and rub their wounds).

Silas: They beat us and flogged us badly. My entire body hurts. Everywhere! (makes a point to rub the chains on his feet and hands). Do you suppose Jesus suffered this much when he was crucified?

Paul: Yes (thoughtfully). This badly and even more. (Lowers his head)

Silas: This is a very bad situation for us, but I know that God is still watching over us. I wish I could think of someway to make myself feel better right now.

Paul begins to sing _______. Silas and the audience join him. Immediately after the song is finished, Paul and Silas bow their heads to pray silently.

After about 15 seocnds, the Primary aged children begin to stomp their feet. Softer than louder. Paul and Silas look around, surprised, trying to figure out what is happening.

Primary aged children go up and tear down the boxes (the walls of the jail falling down). As they do this, Paul and Silas slip off their chains. They stand up, showing that they are obviously unbound. The lights are turned off.
The jailor enters with a sword. He falls to his knees.

Jailor: Oh, woe is me! All of the prisoners have surely escaped! My life is worth nothing now. (Draws his sword toward his stomach to kill himself)

Paul: Don't harm yourself! We are all here!

Jailor: What? You’re still here? (shouts off stage): Quickly! Turn up the lights! (lights come on)

Jailor: (looking at Paul with amazement. Trembling he holds on to Paul and Silas and asks: Sirs, what must I do to be saved?

Silas: Believe in the Lord Jesus…

Paul: … and you will be saved—you and your household.

Paul, Silas and the jailor kneel together, bow heads in prayer.

End Act II

Begin Epilogue

Reader #1: The jailer took them and washed their wounds; then immediately he and all his family were baptized.

Reader #2: The jailer brought them into his house and set a meal before them; he was filled with joy because he had come to believe in God—he and his whole family.

Reader #3: In the morning, the Roman officials sent soldiers to the jailer with the order: "Release those men." The jailer was glad, and he told Paul,

Jailor: Now you can leave. Go in peace!

Reader #3 But Paul replied,

Paul: No, we will not go quietly. We are Roman citizens… These men beat us, and it is illegal to whip a Roman citizen! These men did not give us a trial, like a Roman citizen should have. No… if they want us to leave, let them come here themselves and escort us out.

Reader #4: The Roman officials were very worried when they heard that Paul and Silas were Roman citizens. Immediately they went to the jailer’s house and apologized. They personally escorted Paul and Silas out of the city.

Reader #5: Paul and Silas went to Lydia’s house. They met with other Christians, and told them everything that had happened. This story encouraged their Christian friends because they knew that God had worked for the good of those who love Him. Romans 8:28

End Epilogue

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