Pentecost: Spirit, Wind and Flame
A Computer Software "Languages" Workshop
Expanded by Neil MacQueen from a lesson sketch by Jaymie Derden
Summary of Lesson Activities:
Children will explore the story of Pentecost and describe the good news in their own words using software that speaks out loud whatever they type. This lesson also has an engaging "Other Languages" reflection.
Software Options:
The free Let’s Talk software available to our Supporting Members. It has a number of kid-friendly and classroom friendly features. Though it only speaks in English, students will use it to "translate" the Good News into kid-friendly language.
- Use Google Translate's webpage to translate invitations to the "crowd" in different languages. Create and translate your own version of the Good News and play it to the class in one of many languages using Google Translate (works in your browser if you have an internet connection). You can also use Microsoft's translator built into the Bing browser:
Scripture References:
John 14:15-21, Acts 1:1-11, Acts 2:1-47
Memory Verse:
Acts 2:4 --They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to talk in other languages, as the Spirit enabled them to speak.
Jesus’ promise to his disciples of a helper, the Holy Spirit, comes on the day of Pentecost and fills the disciples with courage and power to share the Good News about Jesus and salvation.
Preparation and Room Set Up:
- Review the background information sheets and lesson materials.
- Download Let's Talk and its guide. Install and preview the software, or preview the Google Translate webpage and its options.
- Turn on the computers prior to class.
- Make copies of the Conversation Now Discussion Question Guide and the Lesson Builder Guide – one per station + copies for shepherds and helpers.
The Let's Talk software program is available FREE OF CHARGE to the supporting members of Learn more about the software and how to download and use it
Lesson Plan
Welcome your students by typing your welcome into the text-to-speech "Talk Now" screen in Let's Talk. Then type and play a message of what they will be doing and learning about today. (You can type your message ahead of time so you only have to play it.)
Depending on student ability, you may either use classroom Bibles or Bible storybooks for these studies.
Say: After Jesus rose from the dead, he appeared to his disciples for an additional forty days. Before he ascended into heaven, he gave them some final instructions… he told them to go into the whole world and teach others what he had taught them. He also told them to "wait" for the Holy Spirit -- the Helper who would be a gift to them.
Let's read Acts 1:3-11 together -- what Jesus told the disciples to do.
- How long do you think they had to wait? (It was several weeks until the day of the Pentecost feast)
- What were they waiting for?
- Why is the Holy Spirit a gift from God?
- Why do Christians NEED the Holy Spirit's help?
Say: So they waited in Jerusalem for the coming of the Holy Spirit, and on the Feast of Pentecost, when Jerusalem was full of people from many different countries who spoke many different languages, the Holy Spirit came to the disciples like a mighty wind and gave them a special gift.
Let's read Acts 2:1-17.. the story of the coming of the Holy Spirit
- What was the "gift" of the Holy Spirit? (speaking in different languages)
- How many languages can you speak? How many languages do kids at your school speak?
- Why would God want the disciples or you to be able to speak his message to people who are different than you? (to share his message with as many people as possible)
Turn to the Computer
Say: Today you're going to type what you think the "Good News about Jesus" is all about -- in your own words, and then you're going to have the computer speak it out loud to the class.
In Let's Talk, have them use "Talk Now" module and select a character and voice that will speak for them.
Give them 5 to 7 minutes to discuss with their computer partner(s) what they think the "Good" news about Jesus is that everyone should hear, and type it into the Talk Now module. Encourage them to work together, preview what their character will sound like, and improve on their idea before it is ready to share with the rest of the class.
As students share their presentations, offer positive feedback and suggestions, then invite everyone to take another 5 minutes to "try again" based on suggestions. When finished, have them play their "Good News" message for the entire class.
If you're using Google Translate, follow the same basic idea as above but first select ENGLISH as the language they will "translate" into. This will make Google Translate speak aloud their text in English. After feedback, have them improve their wording and play it back again for the class.
Finally, have everyone select ANOTHER LANGUAGE in the Google Translator screen and play their message in it for all to hear. Chinese, German, Indonesian -- listen to their "Good News message" in many!
Other Languages Reflection:
"Language" isn't just spoken words. God's Spirit wants to show God's love in many ways.
- For example, MUSIC is a language we can show who we are and who we follow. What do you think the "Good News tune" would sound like, what would it make people feel?
- Love is a language (how you show people you care).
- Dance is a language (showing people our spirit/joy). Show us your "Good News Dance Moves!"
- And there is such a thing as"body language" (describe/show that). How do you show others that you "include" them, "respect" them, will "stand up for them" if others make fun of them.
Close by returning to the Let's Talk screen (or Google Translator) and give them 2 minutes to type a prayer thanking God for the Holy Spirit and asking God's Spirit to be alive and working through us. Play those prayers for all to hear.
Talking Character Builder Screen from Let's Talk:
Screenshot from Google Translate: