Because of having extra people, we USUALLY need the big worship area for the "Bring your parents" class, but this year we needed it for the Skills and Games class, so we actually moved them to a room off the children's wing. Because the storytelling class will be walking around right outside this room, we put up curtains and situated the "front" away from the windows.
For the Storytelling class, we have them starting in a classroom then moving into the atrium where the baptistery is located. They will return to the classroom for their wrap-up. I'm hoping the timing isn't distracting for the Skills and Games class, because they have to walk through the large worship area.
I intentionally moved some classes out of their regular rooms so the ones that leave are on the end. I can tell you it is a logistical nightmare already, and I would not recommend this set up, but it was the RIGHT time to bring the parents and I really wanted to go with the game. The story just cries out for an actual baptism - doesn't it??!!. SO... I don't know what I'd change. It's just kind of crazy! If you do this, be sure to think it through better than I did. :-)