RE: decor ...I work for 2 congregations:
1) St. Andrew's Pres. -
A.R.K. (Andrew's Raising Kids) - uses the Noah's Ark theme. We share space with a Mother's Day Out program, so are somewhat limited on what we can do with the space, but have been able to designate 2 rooms (out of 4 workshops) -
Art is held in the Rainbow Studio. We have a wrap-around mural inside the room that (tries to) simulate what it might look like if you stepped out onto the deck of the ark after it landed ... the "deck" is about chair rail height all around the room, and there are various animals all about it. A large, colorful rainbow comes out from behind the door onto the adjoining wall. (It took us 2 years to get this finished!) Our theater room is the Starlight Theater ... walls and ceiling painted a deep dark blue, with stars painted and guled on (glow in the dark ones) ... we have seating built into one corner. We use this room for both drama and video.
2) St. James Pres. -
Our theme is NOVA (New Opportunities to Voyage Ahead) ... everything revolves around a celestial theme.
The art workshop is God's Gallery (there has been no decorating done in this room up to this point; however, we are working on changing that. I hope to get the following in place: put up a photo mural of the earth "rising", and granite paint in a deep teal with black flecks and gold sparkles to simulate a night sky. This paint from ceiling to chair rail height ($$$$ a consideration), with complementing color the rest of the way ... suggesting God's separation of the heavens from the earth. Storage shelves and cabinets painted some metalic color. Hang representations of the planets from the ceiling by fishing wire); drama/video in Starburst Theater (again, decor not really thematic ... some cartoon figures painted on the walls to look like people in a theater, a curtain around the entertainment center); computers in Power House (also no great decor ... we're working on this room, too ... no great ideas yet); storytelling/games are done in the Temple (I know, not celestial, but well done room ... looks like the temple!).