
Reply to "Creative Names for Sunday School and Workshops ~Post yours here!"

Creative Sunday School and Workshop Names: List 1

Here is the first part of our long list of Workshop Names that we collected for several years on our original website. List 2 is in the next post after this one.

I'll start by posting two photos from one of my own churches where we creatively called our Rotation Sunday School, "Sunday School."    Here's our Video Workshop. It was a large room that also doubled as our Drama Workshop.

Narelle Mercer, Indooroopilly Uniting Church, Brisbane, Qld, Australia

Our outer space-themed Children's program is called "Sunday Space,"
Our logo is a planet with rings rotating round it. We chose it because 1, it's rotation Sunday School, 2, we all rotate around the Son (Sun), like the planets in space.

Our workshops are: Creation Space Station, Galaxy Theatre, Mission Control (computers), and Solid Rock Cafe.


Shalyn from Bethlehem Luth. and Cross and Crown Luth, Indianapolis, IN

At Bethlehem, we have God's Gallery (art), Lazarus's Lab (science), Tent of Tales (storytelling, Bethlehem Bakery (cooking), David's Harp (music), Apostles' Playhouse (games) and we are pondering a name for special activities such as Christmas Cards for shut-ins.

At Cross and Crown Church we have the Apostles' Playhouse (drama), Bread of Life Cafe (cooking), Mission Possible (mission/ministry activities), Antioch Arcade (games).


Erla Wilson, Englewood United Methodist Church, Englewood, OH

We call our Rotational Model Sunday School program - "God's House" and have decorated our Sunday School rooms like rooms in your home...

Kitchen (Crafts/Food),
Bedroom (Storytelling),
Garden (Games),
Music Room (Music),
Family Room (Drama/Video).

We will be including a Home Office (Computer Games) as soon as we receive some equipment....


Kelly Waugh,The Plains United Methodist Church, The Plains, OH

- B.L.A.S.T (Bible Learning Adventure Stations)

Workshop Names:
Parable Pavilion: Drama & Story Telling
Master's Theater: Movie & Popcorn
Creation Station: Art
J.A.M.(Jesus & Me) Time : Music & Games


Nancy Parker, United Presbyterian Church, Cleburne, tx

We painted and redesigned our Education Wing hall and rooms in a Bible Village theme so we call it (not surprisingly!) The Bible Village.

We have an "artist workshop" with a potter's shop theme, a Marketplace for gathering music and drama, a synagogue school for Bible games, and bible knowledge rotation and a tent room for storytelling. We use the kitchen sometimes for Mary and Martha's bed and breakfast but it isn't decorated at all.

Christina Harris from: Heritage Presbyterian Church, Saint Clair Shores, MI

-We call our Sunday School SCUBA-Seeking Christ through Understanding, Believing and Action. We are close to the water so we have continued with the theme. We have The Lighthouse(bible stories/games), The Great Art Grotto(art), Red Sea Scenes(drama), Seaside Cinema(video) and The Coral Reef Cafe(kitchen/food). Our logo is a scuba diver finding a treasure chest at the bottom of the sea with the Bible inside!


posted by: Linda Marrow Nevling from: Marple Presbyterian Church , Broomall, PA

Storytelling Workshop-The T. E. N. T. (Teaching Eternal News Today). Art Workshop-Creation Station, Computer Workshop-The Church Mouse Pad, Kitchen Workshop-Loaves and Fishes Cafe, Drama/Puppetry Workshop-Character Building, Music/Movement Workshop-Joyful Noise, and the Movie Workshop-Arisen Messiah Cinema (we got seats from an AMC theater).


posted by: Michelle Miller from: St Paul's UMC, Smithburg, MD

We call our program "Bible Adventures" and use a desert and oasis theme. We have the following workshops: The Art Ark, In the Garden Theatre, Bible Bytes, Tent of Meeting, Temple Time and Our Daily Bread.


posted by: Cynthia Thorpe from: , ,

Our Sunday School program is now called "Discovery Kingdom" where children "discover" God, Jesus, the Bible, more about themselves, etc.

Our workshops are: Jerusalem's Jiving Lab (Cooking/Science), Disciples Drama Depot (Drama/Puppets), Sheba Shapers Design Company (Art), Egypt's Energizing Emporium (Bible Skills/Games), The Visual Vineyard (Audio/Visual), Messiah Message Center (Newsroom), Canaanite Computer Camp (Computers), Temple Tales and Tunes (Storytelling/Music).


posted by: Rachel Spence from: Easton Christian Family Centre, Bristol, England, United Kingdom

- Discovery Zones: the children are called 'Adventurers', the leaders are called 'A rangers', the helpers are called 'Keepers'. We have introductory teaching zones then activity zones.


posted by: Liz Weingart from: Petersburg Presbyterian Church, Petersburg, Ohio

In our transition period into WORM, we decided to call our Chrisitan Education Program "New Beginnings". We felt it was appropriate since we we were starting over in a sense. We have created beautifully decorated rooms such as The Coliseum, Promised Land, Keyboard Kingdom, Carpenter's Workshop and Bible Blockbuster. The kids love our new beginning!


posted by: Rebecca Ferrell from: Abingdon United Methodist Church, Abingdon, VA

- The name of our Rotation Sunday School is AUMC AWESOME ADVENTURES.


posted by: Kim from: Christ United Methodist Church, Greeneville, TN

We call the new program JAM! JESUS AND ME!
Children check in at the traffic lights (Jam as we travel down life's highway). Stations are: Real to Reel Theatre, Creation Cafe, Adventurous Art, Live from C.U.M.C. (Drama), and our old testament theme Bible Bank.


posted by: Linda from: Burlingame Presbyterian, Burlingame, CA

- Our program is called KFC (Kids For Christ). We change the names of our workshops to fit each rotation, but our most frequent ones are How Great Thou Art, First Century Theatre (Video) ACTs Out (Drama), BC To PC (Computers) and The Game Called Life (Games).


posted by: Beverly Eddy from: Community Church of the Nazarene, Midland, Michigan

- We call our Sunday morning children's program BLAST (Bible Learning Adventure Stations) It has a space theme to it right now. Our video is Galaxy Theater, cooking is The Flying Saucer Cafe, games is Have-A-Blast Games, Role-play is the Shining Stars Acting Company, Storytelling is Stellar Stories, and craft is Space Crafts. Our opening time is the Launchpad. The children are divided into two groups: The Rockets and Comets.


posted by: Eliana Maxim from: Mercer Island Presbyterian Church, Mercer Island, Wa

Our program is called A.R.K. (All Remarkable Kids). Our workshops are: The Temple, The Marketplace, Mary and Martha's Bed & Breakfast, Bible Improv, Faith Issues Today, Holyword Theatre, Moved By Spirit and Created By Spirit. We launch this summer with VBS and get Sunday school underway with all 8 workshops in September. Crossing our fingers and praising God!


posted by: Cary Ann Lutka from: Gurnee Community Church, Gurnee, Illinois

- Our children choose the name C.O.O.L. Journey for our Sunday school program. C.O.O.L. stands for Children Of Our Lord on a journey. Our classroom are Weavers of Wisdom (storty-telling), Awesome Oasis (kitchen), Craftsman's Caravan (crafts), Palace of Possibilities (Computer/games), and Seven Seas Cinema (movies/drama).


posted by: Cary Ann Lutka from: Gurnee Community Church, Gurnee, Illinois

- Our children choose the name C.O.O.L. Journey for our Sunday school program. C.O.O.L. stands for Children Of Our Lord on a journey. Our classrooms are Weavers of Wisdom (story-telling), Awesome Oasis (kitchen), Craftsman's Caravan (crafts), Palace of Possibilities (Computer/games), and Seven Seas Cinema (movies/drama).


posted by: Molly Baker from: First Presbyterian Church, Lexington, Kentucky

- We're calling our program S.T.E.P.S. - Stories Told, Experienced, Practiced, Shared. We're a 1st. Presbyerian Church so we can call it 1st. STEPS and can go down to pre-schoolers with babysteps. We're working on workshop names, but at the moment have Steppingstone Cinema and Step Right Up Productions for puppets and drama. One of our committee members enjoys woodworking and is going to make some giant feet to lead the way to the classrooms.


posted by: Marilyn Paulson from: First United Methodist Church, Wausau, Wisconsin

- "Faith Quest" is the name of our rotation Sunday School(grades 2-5). We name workshops to fit the unit and have had 'Miriam's Fine Art Studio', 'Bible Bytes' computer lab, 'WTPL TV' (Welcome to Promised Land)video lab, 'Nineveh's Chili Nights'(cooking workshop for Jonah)'Temple Tales' storytelling, 'Joy Rap' language and music workshop - to name a few.


posted by: Cathi from: Willoughby United Methodist Church, Willoughby, Ohio

- Our Sunday School program is called Journeylands Adventure, but most refer to it as Journeylands.
Our decor reflects a Biblical village with workshop stops called: Reel to Real, Thou Art, The Oasis,, and Master's Theatre. (on occasion, we add Mary and Martha's Bed and Breakfast when we are cooking) We are entering our third year as a rotation Sunday School for those in grades 1 through 5.


posted by: Linda Williams from: Monadnock Covenant Church, Keene, NH

- We call our Sunday morning ministry Faith Village.
We all meet as a large group at Bible Times Square. There is Prince of Peace Productions (video), King's Cafe (cooking), Thou Art! Studio (an idea borrowed from another church) for art, Upper Room (storytelling), Promise Patch (for our pre-schoolers), Solomon's Arcade (games), Rock of Ages Stages (puppetry and drama). We have our children's groups separated into occupations: Farmers, Fishermen, Weavers, and Carpenters.


posted by: Lynn Wood from: Bream Memorial Presbyterian Church, Charleston, West Virginia

FAITH FOREST for 1st-8th grades
Starting gathering place--Ranger Station
Art--Creation Cabin Drama/Video--Starry Night Theater Computers/Bible games--Streams of Knowledge Storytelling/Bible times experiences--Bible Trails Music--Vocal Valley (room in church basement) Workshop teachers--Rangers shepherds--guides


posted by: Lois Petersen from: First Lutheran Church, York, NE

Our A-V Workshop is called "Son Theater". We thought it was very approprite as our local movie theater is called The Sun Theater. Our Art/Cooking/Science Workshop is called Creation Station. Our drama/puppetry workshop is called First Acts and our music workshop is called A Joyful Noise. We still are contemplating what we can call our Bible Study/Games workshop.


posted by: Kim from: First Presbyterain Chuch, Eden, NC

- The Sunday school is The Master's School We have the MasterPeace Theater(Multi-media)The Master's Art Gallery(Art)Master BibleWorks(Games)Master Acts(Drama)Master Keys(Computer) Master Chefs(Cooking)


posted by: Sheila Fiorella from: St. Barnabas United Methodist Church, Arlington, TX

Our Sunday School for children in grades 1 through 5 is called "BELIEVERS' BOARDWALK."
The names of our workshops are as follows: CANAAN COAST CREATIONS (Art), CYPRESS CYBERS (Computers), LORD'S LIGHTHOUSE (Games/Geography), FISHERMEN FLICKS (Video), BARNABAS BANDSTAND (Music), and PARABLE PAVILION (Storytelling/Drama).


posted by: Wendy Zuech from: Greggton United Methodist Church, Longview, Tx

Our kids voted on various names but we went with the name used by the Nazarene church in Michigan....B.L.A.S.T. Bible Learning Adventure Stations.
We have 5 sites: Kingdom Klips (movie) Carpenters Bench (art, science, cooking)-- sawhorse/wood theme God's Backyard (drama/puppets)--backyard theme with astroturf Temple (Bible/missions)--tent theme Living Water (Computer)--fish theme

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posted by: Carla Davison from: Westwood Presbyterian Church, Wichita, KS

Our Sunday School area is called "God's Garden."
Workshop rooms include Songbird's Nest (music), Lilypond Playhouse (drama & puppets), the Orchard (books & games), the Sonshine Theater (audio-visual), the Rainbow Room (art), and our latest addition, the Bug Box (computers).


posted by: Gerald Bailey from: Westminster Presbyterian Church, Dayton, OH

Church School for us is "CrossRoads--Education for the Journey."
Our workshops: Creation Station (art), Caravan Chronicles (storytelling),
Courtyard Quest (games/activities),
Parable Place (drama/puppets),
Memory Lane (computers),
Stargazer Square (video theater)
Cobblestone Cafe (cooking/food)


posted by: Cindy B from: Cherry Hill Presbyterian, Dearborn , MI

Our prgram is called Testament Travels
Our children are divided into 3 groups: Explorers, Adventurers, and Voyagers.

We have Camp Galilee, our story telling room with desert mural walls and a tent AND a Sea of Galilee mural with a story telling 'boat'. Our computer and games room is The A-mazing ARKcade painted in a lt blue-white checkerboard pattern. On the last Sunday of the month the kids go to The MarketPlace to 'trade' memory work for 'fabulous prizes'. The MarketPlace is a 'landing' on the second floor that was painted to look like a Bible-time city with canopies and perspective painting so that you can look 'down' the road in the city. This month we begin work on the 'multi media center'.


posted by: Amy Pearce from: First United Methodist Church of Owasso, Owasso, OK

Our program is called "The S.S. Adventure"(the sunday school adventure) and is a boat theme in the hallway. We have 7 workshops: movie theater- Holy Word Theater- decorated like an old time movie theater; computer lab- space theme; Bible storytelling- The Upper Room- like a home from bible times; tv news- ANN (Adventure News Network)-office like; games/movement- The Jungle Gym- jungle theme; Arts/Crafts- Spirit Mountains- like a national park; and drama/puppetry- Kingdom Tales- medieval castle theme.


posted by April Guy from Carll's Corner Community Fellowship, Bridgeton, NJ

Since we meet in the upstairs of our building, we will be calling our workshop area "The Upper Room".
Our workshops will be called: "Disciples'Den"(Bible story/journaling), "Joyful Jamming" (music,praise,& instruments), and "Creation Station"(art,crafts, & foods)


posted by Heather Jones from First United Methodist, Bristol, TN

Audiovisual - BibleMax Theater
Story/Bible Skills - Holy Ghost Stories
Art and Cooking - Creation Station
Computer -
Drama - WWJD Heavenly Productions


posted by Amy from Panther Valley Ecumenical Ministry, Hackettstown, NJ

We gave our Sunday School a train theme and named it The PVEM Express (Panther Valley Ecumenical Ministry)

Creation Station (Art),
On Track & On Line (Computer)
Silver Streak (Movie)
Sunday Morning Live (Drama)
Shakin' & Bakin" Caboose


posted by: Polly Deppen from: The Presbyterian Church of Stanley, Overland Park, KS

Faith Forest and our workshops are The Treehouse, Bug Bytes, Caravan Tales, Tentmaker Tales, Night Owl Theatre, Loaves & Fishes, Creation Station, Rainforest Players, KPCS, Jungle Jam.


posted by: Teri Belicek from: Limestone Cove United Methodist Church, unicoi, TN

Our program will be JAM (Jesus and Me) Caravan our workshops are going to be McJesus - over one gadzillion served for Cooking, Cross Training for Games, Tales by the riverside (with a big paper mache tree in the corner, green carpet on the floor and a mural of the riverside on the walls for a culture and story telling class, Holyword theater, Solomon's Songs and praise, The Creation, and God said "it is good", for art.


posted b: Barbara Stefan from St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Falls Church, VA

"S.p.y.K.i.d.s." = St. Paul's Youth - Kids Investigating Divine Stories.

Our workshop names are
Story Sleuths,
Divine Drama Detectives,
Clueless Cafe,
Bible Skills and Investigames,
Mystery Movies,
Wherefore Art Thou?


posted by Marci Hill from Dove of Peace Lutheran, Tucson, AZ

Games=Bible Quest,
Music=Joyful Noise,
Science=Creation Exploration,
Service=His Hands,
Story and Current Events=HiStory,
Cooking=Daily Bread,
Drama=Rock of Ages Stages,
Art=Thou Art


posted by Susan McIntyre from First United Presbyterian Church, Las Vegas, New Mexico

Our church in an historic town of Spanish heritage has named our program Amigos de Cristo (friends of the Lord).

posted by: Michelle Shiparski from St. Mark's UMC, Findlay, OH

Our program is called "Live by the C", and we have a beach/seashore theme.
The rooms are The Lily Pad (computer room),
Lighthouse Theater,
Noah's Art Room,
The C-shore (our gathering & storytelling area),
Monsoon Lagoon (where we sing & play up a storm).

The hallway connecting each room is The Boardwalk.

Wormy says Sign up!


posted by: Marsha Brown from St. Andrew's Presbyterian, austin, TX

- We call ours "Spirit Safari" and wear safari hats and go on adventures with our 'adventure guides' who do the workshops and our 'tour guides' who shepherd the children every week.

posted by: Vicki Schildmeyer from: Fayette Presbyterian Church, Fayetteville , GA

We call our Sunday School: "Camp Wannabe" as in "I wanna be a Christian."

We have 5 tent awnings on the entrances to our "tents," the different activity/learning rooms. Week 1 Messenger Tent: Introduction-usually drama, Week 2:Rainbow Tent Arts/Crafts, Week 3 Dream Tent:Video Week 4 Explorer Tent: computer Week 5 Praise Tent: Games/Music. 10 units/year w/2 specials, eg Rally Sun, Xmas


posted by: Sue Strauss from Western Community Baptist, Victoria, BC

We are located in a coastal setting so we chose to call our Children's Ministry The BEACON: lighting the way to Christ. Our helpers are called Lightkeepers rather than Shepherds.


posted by: Jen from: Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Livonia, MI

- Ours is called FROG (Fully Rely On God) and we have frog themes all over - right down to our schedule board which features the grade levels on frog cutouts, and the workshops on lily pad cutouts.


posted by: Angela Crotsenberg from: Frontier United Methodist Church, Cheyenne, WY

- Art - Thou Art;
Cooking - The Solid Rock Cafe;
Music & Drama - Godway;
Bible Skills - The Apostle's Attic;
Movies - The Savior Cinema


posted by: Paula Eggert from: Bay View Lutheran Church, Sturgeon Bay, Wi

- Since our church near Lake Michigan, we use L.I.G.H.T. (Learning in God's House Together)with many references to nautical things. We gather in the LIGHT house, and workshop areas are: Creation Cove, Fish Tale Temple, Bay View Theater, Computer Cove, Solid Rock Cafe and Seaside Cinema.

MORE from the original list in this next post...


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