Abraham gives God everything.
God tested Abraham - to give Isaac as a gift offering. Abraham obeys and God spares Isaac. God provides the ram as a gift offering.
SCRIPTURE: Genesis 21:1-8 and Genesis 22
POINT: God wants us to trust Him, always.
MEMORY VERSE: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart.” Proverbs 3:5a
SNACK: Grapes and apple juice
coloring sheets
coffee filter
magnifying glass
paper plates
cotton balls
googly eyes
black construction paper (cut out per template)
Add prayers to the wall.
Remind the students of Genesis 22:17. Put a small amount of sand on a coffee filter. Look at it with a magnifying glass. Can you count every grain of sand on the coffee filter? How about inside the jar?
Coloring sheets: Do an online search.
Show the children your Bible and explain that today’s story comes from the Bible, from the book of Genesis.
Share the story of “Abraham Doesn’t Understand”. [From The Family Story Bible. by Ralph Milton]
Did Abraham trust God?
Do you think he was afraid?
What did Abraham do?
What did God do?
When can we trust God?
Teach the memory verse:
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart.” Proverbs 3:5a
TRUST The hands close tightly around something to show that a person has a good hold on it.
LORD The sign KING (handshape moves from the chest to the waist while crossing the body; the movement indicates the location of the royal sash worn by kings) is made with a L handshape (form an L with the thumb and index finger).
ALL The hand moves in a circle and then ends up in the palm of the other hand to show that everything (all) is included.
HEART The middle finger taps the chest over the area of the heart.
Review the previous memory verses.
Site link for this craft no longer active.
- paper plates
- large googly eyes
- black and pink paper, precut into face, ears, and nose as shown in the photo (click photo to enlarge)
- glue
Talk about altars, sacrifices, sheep, the ram Abraham found, Jesus (God’s perfect lamb)
“Trust in Him”
[to the tune of “London Bridge”]
God wants us to trust in Him,
Trust in Him, trust in Him.
God wants us to trust in Him
Every day.
[from Chapel’s Abram preschool notebook]
“Jesus Loves Me”
God Will Lead Us [to the tune of “London Bridge” -from Hands-on-Bible-Curriculum]
God will lead us as we go,
As we go,
As we go.
God will lead us as we go,
He loves us so!
(Play this like London Bridge, with two people facing each other and forming the bridge, and the rest of the children walking under the bridge. On the last line, gently catch the child under the bridge in a hug. Repeat until everyone is caught and has a chance to be the bridge.)
Grapes - talk about grapes - grape juice - wine -> communion/last supper/sacrifice for sins
ASL Browser - with videos of the signs used for the memory verse: see first post resources
Bible Quest Publishers. Bible Quest: A Bible Story Curriculum for All Ages. Ages 3-4. Fall 2000. “God Gave Abraham and Sarah a Baby.”
Bible Quest Publishers. Bible Quest: A Bible Story Curriculum for All Ages. Grades K-1. Fall 2001. “Abraham and Sarah Laugh.