I am sharing my teaching notes from another year here as we did Abraham several years, hoping the general ideas from my rough outlines are of use to someone.
MAIN STORY: A Covenant and a Promise (Abram)
THEME: Jesus is called the Living Word
VERSE: In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God. (John 1:1a)
SNACK: Rainbow wafers and milk (Genesis 9:13)
- stars with children’s and teachers’ names (and parents’ and siblings’)
- fishing line
- paperclips
- ladder – for hanging the stars before class
- jar
- sand
- coffee filter
- magnifying glass
- people floor puzzle
- Abraham library books
- Jewelry craft:
- cord with nail cross tied on
- beads
- bowls to hold beads
- black construction paper
- lots and lots of star stickers
- Wee Worship 123 Favorite Bible Songs
- CD player
Before arrival, hang LOTS of stars from the ceiling and allow the children to wonder about them and encourage them to find their names before story time.
Book: a variety of library books with the Creation and Noah stories (and Abraham too, if possible).
Puzzle: people floor puzzle
Science: Remind the students of Genesis 22:17. Put a small amount of sand on a coffee filter. Look at it with a magnifying glass. Can you count every grain of sand on the coffee filter? How about inside the jar
Coloring sheets, there are many available online, do a search.
Ask if anyone noticed anything different about the room this morning. Tell them that today’s story from the first book in the Bible (Genesis) will help them understand the stars.
Read: “Abraham” from Pray and Play Bible (also in a big book - toddlers room)
I wonder how Abram and Sarai felt when they were told to move to a new home?
I wonder how it felt to leave their home and not know where they were going?
I wonder what Abram thought when God promised him a big family?
I wonder what Abram thought about when he looked at the stars?
What do you think about when you look at the stars?
Talk about how God keeps His promises. Talk about how we can keep our promises this week.
Teach the memory verse.
“In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God. “ (John 1:1a)
BEGINNING The index finger twists between the fingers of the other hand to indicate the turning of a key in an ignition switch.
WAS The hand moves over the shoulder.
WORD The fingertips of the forefinger and thumb (the G handshape) tap the extended forefinger of the other hand.
WORD The fingertips of the forefinger and thumb (the G handshape) tap the extended forefinger of the other hand.
WAS The hand moves over the shoulder.
WITH The A handshapes (fist with thumb out) come together.
GOD The hand is raised to the heavens and then downward in a sign of respect.
Sing “Father Abraham” from the Wee Worship CD (disc 3, track 1).
Run through the motions beforehand, and then play and sing the song. Can you think of any other motions to add? After singing it through once, talk about the lyrics. What “many sons” did Abraham have? Why does the song say, “I am one of them and so are you.” Refer to Genesis 15: 1-6, where God promises Abraham many descendants. Talk about what this meant for Abraham to receive this promise and for God to make him the beginning of God’s chosen people. Sing the song one more time, or twice if they like it.
“Sarah Married Abraham” to the tune of “Mary Had a Little Lamb”
Sarah married Abraham, Abraham, Abraham,Sarah married Abraham, they moved across the land
FROM “Abraham and Sarah Lesson Set from St. Elmo’s Choir. rotation.org
Rock-a My Soul (in the bosom of Abraham). Wee Worship (disc 1, track 8).
“Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”
Play a game of “Follow the Leader” or “Simon Says” with your kids and talk about how Abraham followed God.
CRAFT: Make a necklace with a cross and beads. Talk about how Jesus died to save us all. (Nails were wired together before class, and a loop was left on the back for the string to go through.)
SNACK: Rainbow wafers and milk (Genesis 9:13). Remember the story of Noah and God’s promise that the rainbow reminds us of. Review today’s story of Abram and the promise God made to him. Tell the children that Jesus, the Word, was there at the beginning, and is still with us today, and that we are promised eternal life if we put our faith in him. Review the memory verse.
Allow the children to cover black paper with star stickers. Talk about how many stars there are in the sky and about God’s promise to Abram.
Explanations of the signs used for the memory verse: ASL Browser - with videos of the signs used for the memory verse: see first post resources