
Reply to "PRESCHOOL Lessons and Ideas for the Story of Creation, Genesis 1 and 2"

The Story of Creation (Genesis 1:-2:3)

A Pre-K Lesson Plan with story, music, game, snack, and craft time


Welcome the children and pray.

Open the Bible. Talk about how Genesis means beginning and that is where today’s story is from and that is what it is about.

Read: "When God Made the World" by Paul Turner (available at online retailers everywhere)

I wonder which of God’s gifts do you like the best?
Talk about 7th day of rest: I wonder if there is a special place you would go to remember God’s gifts of creation?


Play the following game: To the tune of “The Farmer in the Dell,” sing this:

God made the ________God made the ________Back when the world was new, God made the ________

You can go around in a circle and have each child give a suggestion. You can also have them act out what they are saying: an animal, rain, sun, etc. You can also try having the child act it out without saying it and seeing if the rest of the group can guess what they’re doing.

This is an adapted version of "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands." The verses were changed to reflect each day of Creation. Simple actions can be added to the song or a tambourine or other musical instruments can help keep the beat.

1. He's got the whole world in his hands,
He's got the whole world in His hands,
He's got the whole world in His hands,
He's got the whole world in His hands.

2. He's got the day and the night in His hands,

3. He's got the sky and the clouds in His hands,

4. He's got the land, plants, and sea in His hands,

5. He's got the sun, moon, and stars in His hands,

6. He's got the fish and the birds in His hands,

7. He's got the animals and people in His hands,

8. On the seventh day He rested and said it was good,On the seventh day He rested and said it was good,On the seventh day He rested and said it was good,He made the whole world in His hands!

Talk about how on day five God created the animals of the sky and sea and they were good! Then play Duck, Duck, Goose: Sit in a circle and someone (the Junior helper) has a turn to be first. That person walks around the circle tapping, not hitting, the child on the head saying either “duck” or “goose.” The person tapped when she says “goose” has to get up and race with her back to the empty spot and try to sit down first. Whoever is left standing goes around and taps people and says “duck” or “goose.”


Play matching or memory games with cards showing created items, such as these

p7250083The children will make wood plaques with shells glued on inside a fish outline.

Talk about how God created the animals in the sky and sea on day 5 and on the land in day 6. Talk about the variety of creatures He created.

Fruit and vegetable (Genesis 1:11) - talk about how God created plants on the 3rd day. Ask the children about favorite plants, fruits, and vegetables.


Images (3)
  • p7250083: fish art
  • mceclip0
  • p7250078: science
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