Simple Doorway Puppet Stage
Today for our puppet workshop I created a simple puppet stage by placing an extendable shower tension rod in a double doorway. Threw a folded painter's sheet over it and use a clothespin at each side below the rod to hold the fabric in place. Quick to put up and take down.
Next time I'd like to add .....
A Background:
I will hang a painter's sheet from our drop ceiling (with large binder clips) a couple of feet back and slightly wider than the stage. This will give us a clean background (hiding the furniture). I would also sew a piece of Velcro on the side of the background facing the puppet stage. I'm thinking height of Velcro would be maybe 2 feet above front stage height.
For background scenery changes:
One could paint scenes 2 feet high x width of your stage. Then sew Velcro onto it so you have easily removable changes to attach to background.
Stage Front:
Fold the painter's sheet double (so you can't see through it), cut away excess material. but leaving some extra material for seams. Sew a seam across the top fold where you can slide the shower rod in and out. Then hem the bottom. Sew a piece of Velcro across the top front for scene changes.
Scene Foregrounds:
Example: A table set with food. Draw foreground onto painters sheet. Attach Velco across back at top. Can easily add or remove foreground scene changes.