Which Dominoes to BUY, plus suggested ALTERNATIVES
TIP: if buying online, check reviewers' comments for their experience with that brand.
Buying: these DID work:
- Classic Games Double Six Large Number Dominoes in Tin (used in video), although I can't seem to find this particular set by Cardinal anywhere online.
- H5 Domino Creations by Lily Hevesh. Includes: 100 Dominoes, 2 Half-Bridges (steps), 3 Fieldstarters, 1 Template. Domino Size: 48mm tall (1.8897637795 inch), 24mm wide (0.9448818898 inch), and 7.5mm (0.2952755906 inch).
Buying: these DID NOT work
- Classic Games Double Six Dominoes 28 Pieces from Dollar Tree.
Too small and literally would not stand upright. Do not buy dominoes with rounded edges.
Domino Alternatives:
- Wooden Blocks
• Picture 1 - Melissa & Doug Wooden Block Set, as an example, to show you which specific blocks will work as tumbling dominoes (the rectangle ones, as circled).
• Picture 2 - here I show those same sized blocks, showing the three sizes I tested, and placed a white domino in front of each row showing size comparison, as you can see they are a nice size for handling and they do sound great as they tumble.
• You may be able to raid the church nursery.
• In my case I have two large buckets of blocks in our Story Table room and have used them many times in lessons where the kid's have built, for example, Solomon's Temple, the Tabernacle, the Tower of Babel, and the Walls of Jericho. - Paper Towel Rolls (Note: need to keep them in a straight line to work.)
TIPS: How to Build and Topple Dominoes
Short fun 3-minute YouTube video "How to Build and Topple Dominoes! H5 Domino Creations by Lily Hevesh and Spin Master Games"
List of TIPS we found helpful for making domino creations:
- 10-15 Dominoes minimum per student, more if you have them.
- You'll need a hard flat sturdy surface, be it the floor or table(s), to set-up your creations.
- Make sure there is lots of elbow room between students to avoid knocking over another classmate's creation.
- Best way to hold a domino is near the base, on the narrow side, with your thumb and two fingers. Gives you a more secure hold when you release it, less likely to topple than if you hold it from the top.
- Good spacing between dominoes is the width of a domino's narrow side.
- If setting up a large number of dominoes for toppling, make a number of safety-breaks in the sequence. To do this lie a domino face-down in the sequence and replace them with standing dominoes when your layout is complete.
- Domino Play website has drawings of how to set-up for different situations http://www.domino-play.com/TopplingBasic.htm
Please post Brand(s) of Dominoes you found worked or didn't work, other items you used as dominoes, and any other tips you want to add below.
Writing Words/Phrases Activity Idea using Dominoes
The idea here is for kids to think of ways they can Renew and Recommit to being more like Jesus —learning, teaching, and showing God's love.
As this activity will require lots of dominoes, we suggest you divide the class into teams, rather than having them work singly. Each group is to come up with a simple "word" or "phrase" that would help spread "the story" of Jesus. Each word they create will require 5–to–8 dominoes per letter.
"God Loves You" is the message we want to share in so many ways. The phrase used 68 dominoes. What other words express what God's love is like, and how we can show it?
How about "Be Kind," "Walk Humbly," "Do Justice." "Stop and Help." "Look for those who are lost."