
Reply to "Ideas and Events for Sunday School Rally Day, Restart, "Kickoff," Return, Renewal"

Here's a post originally from our Jesus Calls the Fisherman Bible Games lesson topic by Neil MacQueen that also fits in with the theme of Sunday School renewal, discipleship, and the purpose of Sunday School, i.e. "why bring your kids to Sunday School."

Casting a Fishing Net to "Catch" People for Christ

Fishin poles are a fun idea, but Peter, Andrew, James, and John, the four fisherman disciples called by Jesus in Matthew 4:18-22, would have thought Jesus was talking about CASTING NETS to "catch people." Indeed, the scripture says they "left their nets" to follow him.

Net fishing doesn't involve luring, it involves SURROUNDING the fish, and that raises the question "surround people with what?"   

Undoubtedly, Jesus would have said, "surround them with love."

Sunday School's purpose is to surround kids with the love of God in message and practice.

small-cast-netHere's a Net-Casting Demonstration that can be used in a Sunday School classroom as well in as a Children's Sermon or special evangelism Sunday that demonstrates "surrounding" the fish...

Having lived by the ocean and on an island, I'm very acquainted with the sight and practice of "casting" a fishing net.  And with a little bit of practice, it's not hard. (What's hard is finding fish to cast over!)  And if you've ever seen people throwing nets, you know people love to watch.

A number of years ago, I invited a net-casting-fisherman in our congregation to cast his net in our sanctuary for a children's sermon about the Call of the Fisherman. After his demonstration, we even let him gently cast his lead-weighted net over a small group of children (with their heads down for protection). The applause that rose up when he perfectly cast over the kids made this one of the more memorable children's sermons I've ever been part of. And when he took his "catch" and sat them in the front row of the sanctuary, the kids couldn't have been prouder.

Small casting Nets aren't expensive and can easily be learned. See my notes below.


We talked about:

What should we "surround" people with? (love, care, appreciation, kindness), and by so doing, we were demonstrating to them AND encouraging them to "do likewise." (This was the very same "call" Jesus issued to the Pharisee to whom he told the Parable of the Good Samaritan. Loving others is the second half of the Great Commandment.)

We concluded with the idea that "one way we surround people with love" is to invite them to our loving and caring community -- i.e. church -- where they could learn more about catching the love of God shown to us through Christ, thank God for his love, and join us in sharing it with others.

Things to consider:

1. Real cast nets have lead weights, so this demonstration has to be done in a clear area, or by a really good net thrower!  If kids are going to be "caught" by the throw at some point (and they should, its fun), give them thick wool hats or helmets (of some sort) and/or tell them to put their heads down during the casting (and cast from a very short distance). We just told our kids to put their heads down and nobody got hurt because the lead weight were small and thrown closeup by someone who knew what they were doing.

2. If you don't have a cast net, you can get a small one for under $20 on Amazon.  See image below!   Makes a great classroom reminder prop too.

3. Learn how to throw it yourself! There are many how-to videos on YouTube such as this one by "Captain Mike."

4. Kids will be EAGER to try and cast the net. Let them! Teaching them "how to" is a great opportunity to segue into "how do you catch people"?

Here's a $15 net casting net on Amazon:


Surrounding people with love...

Here are a couple of images I created using Bing's AI Image Creator using various keywords like "fishing net of hearts" and "a net surrounding with love."

As you can see, there are some visual ideas here that could artistically be applied to your actual casting net or a decorative one to visually make the connection.


BTW:  Fourteen feet of "Decorative" Fishing Net is under $10 at Oriental Trading Company. Must be an art project here somehow using it with some hearts. I'm also wondering how each student could go home with their own "surround them with love/kindness" net, but that idea is for another day and post!


To me, the interesting idea here is what we mean by "catch" --which is the idea of catching people by surrounding them with the message and practice of love. And that's a great definition of Sunday School and reason to bring your kids! ...especially these days when kids are surrounded by all kinds of other messages and types of people.

Obviously, the whole "fishing analogy" breaks down once you bring the fish out of the water. I assume Jesus knew this and wasn't suggesting we kill and eat his disciples. That's kinda funny and gross, though, which would make it a perfect point to make with older kids! Inc. is a volunteer-run, 100% member supported, 501(c)3 non-profit Sunday School lesson ministry. You are welcome to borrow and adapt content for non-commercial teaching purposes --as long as both the site and author are referenced. Inc reserves the right to manage, move, condense, delete, and otherwise improve all content posted to the site. Read our Terms of Service. Get a free Registered Membership or become a Supporting Member for full access to all site resources. is rated 5 stars on Google based on 51 reviews. Serving a global community including the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, S. Africa, and more!