What's it like to plan for Sunday School?
...to kick off another year in these challenging times?
Here's Rotation.org's inspirational "Leap of Faith" video to help with that discussion. Originally created to inspire discussion coming out of the pandemic, the daring imagery in the video and its accompanying discussion guide may just be the resource you need to inspire your troops and parents every year.
You can play it here to preview it, or download it and play it back on any computer or media-playing device. Be sure to have your volume up. The music starts playing about 12 seconds into the video.
The video is a 15 mb MP4 video that can play on any computer or media system.
View, Save, or Print the Discussion Guide PDF
You are welcome to share these resources with your congregation and local team.
Produced by the Rotation.org Leap of Faith Team
Why the wingsuit video and "leap" title
Especially with the impact of the COVID pandemic, many Sunday schools and children & youth ministries are facing challenging restarts and trends.
The discussion guide accompanying the video will help your folks voice their concerns and think about their preparation as they get ready to make the unprecedented "leap" of renewal and recommitment to your church's ministry and mission.The scriptures that appear in the video and guide remind us that "soaring" is what we do, and we do not do it alone.
The video and guide were produced by the "Leap of Faith" Team here at Rotation.org, a group of Christian educators and pastors who are making the leap with you in their own churches and through our resources here at Rotation.org. Team members: Ron Shifley, Luanne Payne, Amy Crane, Robin Stewart, and Neil MacQueen. Paid for by Rotation.org's Supporting Members. Created using Powtoons. See the video for visual and music credits.
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