Simple Stories Jesus Told by Mary Rice Hopkins, Group, 2004. (Ages 3-7).
Now available as a download, from Mary Rice Hopkins' website at https://store.maryricehopkins....loadable-curriculum/.
This 13 lesson book for pre-schoolers is full of fun and songs, downloadable songbook available separately, and you can order the CD from the site as well. Mary Rice Hopkins sings a song about each parable to teach your little ones in a way they will remember as they do actions to the songs. Each lesson in the book corresponds to a song and contains a supply list, Scripture reference, welcoming activity, parable discovery, sing and celebrate song, snack, game and a prayer.
Parables Covered:
- Lost Sheep
- Prodigal Son
- Good Samaritan
- Lost Coin
- Talents
- Persistent Neighbour
- Yeast
- Rich Fool
- Great Banquet
- Barren Fig Tree
- Two Houses
- Sower & the Seed
- Unmerciful Servant