We are doing a Sat. V.B.S on June 12th 10a.m. to 2:30 p.m. centered around Pentecost. I think we will be making windsocks and if weather permits we will be flying kits as well and doing our lesson around different ways we experience the Holy Spirit in our lives and the lives of those around us. We are using Acts 2 : 1-4.
We are also planning on Sat. July 17th ( The Beatitudes Matt. 5: 1-12) and a Sat. Aug. 21st (The Armor of God, Ephesians 6: 10-18) hoping to keep our children involved throughout the summer. We will also continue our snail mail lessons weekly as well.
We found out in 2020 (because of Covid) that by doing our V.B.S. on Sat. it was a great way to be able to use our resources (volunteers, activities, and time) to the best way possible.
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