
Reply to "Reviews of various Bible Video Series"

Review of:  Friends and Heroes Bible DVD series

Overall rating: thumbs up??

Needs more input !!

Volunteer Moderator notes: This material was originally posted by Neil MacQueen in two separate posts on July 11, 2012 and on Dec. 7, 2012. These two posts have been combined here...

The Friends and Heroes Bible DVD series isn't well known in the USA. It was created in the UK with modern high production values and animation, and was broadcast on the BBC in the late 2000's. Produced under a cultural grant on the Isle of Man, the creative team includes talent from Disney and Lucasfilm to mention a few. I have no connection with these DVDs, but I have seen several of them and like them.


Each 30 minute episode features young children in Bible times (Macky and Portia) facing a situation or dilemma, and being taught a Bible story in response, and learning valuable lessons.

In many ways, these videos follow in the tradition of the famous Hanna-Barbera Bible videos - but with greater sensitivity and modern production values. The animation and music is Disney-esque.

One of the NICE things about each episode, is that they have VISUALLY SEPARATED the "Macky and Portia storyline" from the "Bible story storyline."

Macky and Portia, for example, do not appear in theabe-example Abraham story, they are learning about it. The Bible stories are tucked into a larger story about children and their family/friends set in the Roman occupied city of Alexandria. They are refugees from Galilee. (The dad knew Jesus.) In each storyline they come to two decision points where a Bible story is 'remembered' to them to help guide their actions.

The Bible story portions are in a distinct 3D animated style, whereas the "kids adventure" storyline is in 2D cartoon style.

Both are well done

Dramatic, and "kid-intense" (Lots of soldiers and bad the Bible itself).
Ages 1st through 6th grade, though I personally wouldn't hesitate to show many of the episodes to my Kindergartners. (Always preview a video ahead of time. You know your kids best.)

The 2 Bible stories presented within each episode are introduced as "remember what Jesus said?" or "remember the story of Daniel's bravery?" etc. A teacher could simply fast-forward to those presentations (they are in exquisite 3d style but only last about 3 minutes each).

Seem very suitable for home, but also for Fellowship groups. I could see them used in Sunday School --but the focus of each episode is not exactly on one specific story, so you'd have to unpack the 30 minute video with the kids.

You can EXCERPT the portions you want to show.

That said, let me suggest that your KIDS will love the kids' storyline, and they function like "life application".  The kids' storyline also teaches life in Bible times. Some of your teachers may need to be educated about Macky and Portia's important role as 'stand-ins' for our students.

The series has a wealth of stories about PAUL from ACTS, as well as, covering many Bible stories you don't often see in newer animated videos, such as Amos, and Samuel and Eli.

Below is a list of the DVDs organized by Bible Stories that I "cribbed" from the Friends and Heroes website, and have attached their PDF as well. I wish the Bible stories were in BIBLE BOOK order rather than alphabetical, but this order is good enough.

Bible Stories in Alphabetical Order from the Friends and Heroes Bible DVD series

Bible Story | Bible References | DVD Number + Episode Title

Old Testament

Abraham and three strangers Genesis 18:1-15; 21:1-7 FH31 Senators Only
Amos speaks out Amos 7:10-17 FH27 Gladiator School
Daniel and the Lions' Den Daniel 6:1-24a FH01 Long Journey

David and Goliath 1 Samuel 17:1-51 FH03 Leviathan
David and Jonathan 1 Samuel 18:5-9; 20 FH29 Friends, Romans and Mystery Men
David and Mephibosheth 2 Samuel 4 and 9 FH30 Sowing the Seeds
David and three Soldiers 2 Samuel 23:13-17 FH28 School's Out
David spares Saul's life 1 Samuel 26 FH19 Unwilling Guests
David the Musician and King Saul 1 Samuel 16:14-23 FH03 Leviathan

Elijah and the Prophets of Baal 1 Kings17:1; 18:1, 5-8, 16-39; 19:1-16 FH13 No Turning Back
Elijah and the poor widow 1 Kings 17:1-16 FH34 Give and Take
Elijah, Ahab and Naboth's vineyard 1 Kings chapter 21 FH16 The Ram
Elisha and Naaman 2 Kings 5:1-17 FH20 Aid and Comfort
Elisha and the woman with olive oil 2 Kings 4:1-7, 42-44 FH22 The Big Lift
Esther the Queen Esther chapters 2-7 FH09 Doing Our Part

Gideon and the Midianites Judges 6:1-16; 7:1-22 FH05 True Heroes
Jacob and Esau Genesis chapters 25; 27; 32; 33 FH15 Over Walls
Jethro the Midianite welcomes Moses the stranger Exodus 2:11-23 FH23 Home
Jonah and the Big Fish Jonah 1-2; 3:1-6 FH12 No Way Out

Joseph and his Brothers Genesis 37:1-4, 18-36; 41:41-57; 42-44; 45:1-15 FH10 Horseplay
Joseph and Pharaoh's Dreams Genesis 40:1-8; 41:1-44 FH32 Senators First

King David captures Jerusalem 2 Samuel 5:1-9; 1 Chronicles 11:1-9 FH14 One of Us
Michal's rescue of David from King Saul 1 Samuel 18:6-11; 19:9-18 FH17 Rescue Strangers

Moses and the Egyptian Slavemaster Exodus 2:1-15 FH06 Sweet Freedom
Moses and the Exodus 3; 4:1-12; 5; 7:14-25; 8-14 FH11 Exodus
Moses and the miracle water Exodus 15:22-25; 16:1-3, 11-15; 17:1-6 FH18 Prince for a Day
Moses and the Ten Commandments Exodus 20:1-17 FH39 The Road Ahead
Moses, the desert trek and manna from heaven Exodus 16:11-26 FH25 Toadie on Trial

Noah and the Ark Genesis 6-8; 9:12-17 FH26 Hope
Rahab and the Spies Joshua 2:1-24; 6:22-25 FH04 False Heroes
Ruth and Naomi Ruth 1:1-22; 2:1-16 FH07 Lost in Alexandria

Samson and Delilah Judges 16:4-30 FH02 A Friend in High Places
Samuel anoints Saul 1 Samuel 9; 10:1-16 FH33 Rome Alone
Shadrach and the Furnace Daniel 3:1-27 FH08 The One that Got Away
Solomon’s wisdom with a baby 1 Kings 3:16-28 FH24 Desperate Measures
The Boy Samuel and Eli 1 Samuel 1:1-28; 3:1-19 FH21 Hostages

New Testament

Bible Story | Bible References | DVD Number + Episode Title

Herod and the Wise Men Matt 2:1-18 FH21 Hostages
Jesus and the Lepers Luke 17:11-19 FH37 Betrayal
Jesus and the Moneylenders Mark 11:15-17 FH35 Spies and Lies
Jesus and the Rich Young Man Mark 10:17-23 FH39 The Road Ahead
Jesus and the Roman tax Mark 12: 13-17 FH36 Conflict
Jesus and the Widow's Offering Mark 12:41-44 FH36 Conflict
Jesus and Zacchaeus the tax collector Luke 19:1-10 FH31 Senators Only
Jesus before Pilate Mark 15:1-15 FH38 Trials and Tribulations
Jesus' Birth and the Revelation to the Shepherds Luke 2:1-38 FH05 True Heroes
Jesus raises Jairus's daughter Luke 8:40-56 FH32 Senators First
Jesus calms the storm Mark 4:35-41 FH29 Friends, Romans and Mystery Men

Jesus carries his cross Mark 15:16-23 FH38 Trials and Tribulations
Jesus cures a sick woman Mark 5:21, 25-34 FH20 Aid and Comfort
Jesus feeds the five thousand Mark 6:30-44 FH22 The Big Lift
Jesus heals a paralysed Man Mark 2:1-12 FH35 Spies and Lies
Jesus heals Blind Bartimaeus Mark 10:46-52 FH33 Rome Alone

Jesus in the temple as a boy Luke 2:41-52 FH14 One of Us
Jesus rides into Jerusalem Mark 11:1-11 FH35 Spies and Lies
Jesus seen on the road Luke 24:13-43 FH39 The Road Ahead
Jesus Speaks in Nazareth Luke 4:14-24, 28-30 FH28 School's Out
Jesus washes the Disciples' feet John 13:2-15 FH37 Betrayal
John the Baptist Luke 3:1-16, 21-22 FH27 Gladiator School

Joseph of Cyprus (Barnabas) Acts 4:32-37 FH09 Doing Our Part
Paul and Barnabas Acts 14:8-20 FH17 Rescue Strangers
Paul and Elymas Acts 13:4-12 FH18 Prince for a Day
Paul and the Shipwreck Acts chapter 27; 2 Corinthians 11:25ff FH16 The Ram
Paul appeals to Caesar Acts 24:27 - 25:12 FH24 Desperate Measures
Paul escapes from the mob Acts 17:1-10a FH23 Home
Paul escapes in a basket 2 Corinthians 11:32-33 FH15 Over Walls
Paul speaks to Agrippa Acts 25:13 to 26:1, 9-29 FH26 Hope
Paul, Silas and the earthquake Acts 16:16-36 FH19 Unwilling Guests
Paul's Disappearance Acts 28: 15-24; 30-31 FH125 Toadie on Trial

Peter released from Prison Acts 12:1-17 FH03 Leviathan
Peter and John heal a Lame man Acts 3:1-16; 4:1-22; 5:17-42 FH08 The One that Got Away
Peter heals Aeneas and raises Tabitha Acts 9: 32-42 FH04 False Heroes
Peter's friendship with Cornelius Ats 10:9-28 FH02 A Friend in High Places
Philip and Simon the  Sorcerer Acts 8:4-23 FH10 Horseplay
Saul on the Road to Damascus Acts 9:1-18 FH06 Sweet Freedom

The Crucifixion Mark 15:24-37 FH38 Trials and Tribulations
The First Pentecost Acts 2:1-21 FH13 No Turning Back
The House built on a Rock Matthew 7:24-29 FH30 Sowing the Seeds
The Last Supper Matthew 26:17-30 FH11 Exodus
The Last Supper and Jesus' Arrest Mark 14:17-19; 29-46, 53, 66-72 FH37 Betrayal
The Miraculous Catch of Fish Luke 5:5-11 FH01 Long Journey

The Parable of the Good Samaritan Luke 10:30-37 FH07 Lost in Alexandria
The Parable of the Lost Sheep Matthew 18:10-14 FH34 Give and Take
The Parable of the Prodigal Son Luke 15:11-32 FH12 No Way Out
The Parable of the Sower Matthew 13:1-9 FH30 Sowing the Seeds
The Parable of the Tenants in the Vineyard Mark 12:1-9 FH36 Conflict

Attached is the original PDF I found buried on the Friends website. It's a nice reference for your lesson planning.  I copied its text here so that the stories on it would be searchable by members here at our site looking for story resources.


(Dear Moderators, posting the pdf and screenshots is not a copyright violation because it constitutes "Fair Use" under copyright laws --where copying it here as part of a positive recommendation effectively promotes the product, ...which I'm glad to do because it's good stuff.)


Images (2)
  • macky-portia
  • abe-example
Files (1)
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