
Reply to "Reviews of various Bible Video Series"

The Voice of the Martyrs

The Witness Trilogy

Disciples Call 2

Jesus: He Lived Among Us

The Witness Trilogy #1

(Note: released in 2011, re-released in 2017
under a new name
"God With Us: The Coming of the Saviour"
with newly enhanced animation.)

The material provided here is based on the orginal – "Jesus: He Lived Among Us".

*For "some" story clips, due to it's 90+ minutes length.

There were several great clips I would use and I've indicated them by an * on the Scene Guide I've created for you below.

Summary: Dramatic, animated retelling of the life of Jesus Christ, as seen through the eyes of the last surviving apostle John, to his guards in prison on the Isle of Patmos. Vision Video.

  • Awards:  Won at July 2012 - International Christian Visual Media
    Silver Award - Best Children's Film
    Bronze Award - Best Youth Film
  • Trailer:
  • Full 90 minute movie (for preview only):
  • Companion Book - paperback "Jesus: He Lived Among Us: Based on the Animated Film from the Voice of the Martyrs", Contributor(s): Palavicini, R F, Cleary, Steve, Warner Press, 2011, 9781593174354. Ages 10+.
    The book includes text and pictures from the video. The book is broken into 29 chapters followed by a study section of 4 to 5 questions per chapter, they are basically story review questions, only a handful (maybe 9 questions total) would I consider to be reflection questions.
    Notes: Only reason I see for purchasing the book would be if one was using the video as a pre-teen bible study tool, on the Life of Jesus, where they planned to show the entire movie over a few weeks.  It would then be a handy resource for the leader.
    FYI - The 29 chapters in the book do not match the 42 scenes on the DVD.

Take Note:  DVD has a Scene Menu - 42 pictures, no titles!

  1. So I've created a scene breakdown below, as well as I've attached a PDF of same.
  2. I've included the DVD scene menu pictures, minutes per scene, timings (if you want to preview a section on YouTube), stories covered, and finally for those who own the the companion book - chapter correlation to DVD scenes.
  3. Scene #'s were added by me.
  4. Clips with (*) I personally liked.

    Miraclous Catch of Fish 1

DVD Scene Guide

Luanne has indicated "great clips" by adding tiny little *'s to the chart below. Look for the asterisks  in the 2nd column (Mins. = Minutes).

Jesus He Lived Among Us Scenes 1

Jesus He Lived Among Us Scenes 2

Jesus He Lived Among Us Scenes 3

I have yet to see or review the next two DVDs in this trilogy, but am including them here for reference. Trailers can be seen at Vision Video.


The Messengers: The Birth of the Early Church

The Witness Trilogy #2

Based on the Book of Acts – Chapters 1-9


The Birth of the Early Church is the second installment of The Witnesses Trilogy.

Having risen from the dead, Jesus Christ has appeared to His disciples and instructed them saying, “Remain in Jerusalem until you are filled with power from Heaven!” Waiting in prayer as Jesus has commanded them, the time comes when the Holy Spirit (Pentecost) is poured out upon them with great power and wonder!

Follow the small band of early Christian believers as they boldly proclaim Christ and His message in the face of great opposition resulting in the growth of the church and the unexpected conversion of its most zealous enemy (Paul's Conversion).

Recommended for children age 7 and up. 70 minutes. Vision Video 2017.


Member Ron Shifley posted:  "The first 15 minutes 24 seconds retells the Pentecost story and places it in context of the full story of Luke-Acts via a retelling of the Apostle John imprisoned on the island of Patmos."  Ron also provides PowerPoint Review Questions, to use with this portion of the video, and it can be found in the Pentecost forum here.

To Every Nation: Faith That Changed The World

The Witness Trilogy #3

Based on the Book of Acts – Chapters 10-28


To Every Nation is the third and final installment of The Witnesses Trilogy.

Now we witness the church's miraculous growth and learn how the first believers took the Gospel To Every Nation.

Recommended for children age 7 and up. 70 minutes. Vision Video 2017.


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