
Reply to "Safe Sunday Schools: Recommendations, Discussion"

Recommendations for Safe Sunday Schools

from your friends at

Anywhere children and adults gather can become a "vector" for the spread of illness, especially during Flu season. And it's not just about the kids and teachers, "Safe Sunday School" is important because of the older folks and those with health issues with whom we share our buildings on Sunday morning.

Some of our members will pay close attention to our safety practices and we will need to reach out to those who choose not to attend for health reasons.

Sadly, there will also be those who resist our efforts to create a safer Sunday School. Where kids are concerned, however, there is no room for ignorance, only wisdom.


Many of the following recommendations are/were lessons learned over the years and should become part of our future "safe church" policies and practices. Heeding the following advice is not only the right thing to do, it will earn respect, spread good practices, keep more people healthy, and allow us to continue our important work.

They have been suggested by healthcare professionals, the CDC, various children's ministry experts, and the members and leaders of, Consider them a starting point for discussion and implementation in your church.

Establish a "sick child" policy and educate parents.

Have a healthy airflow and exchange where possible.

Encourage the use of hand sanitizers, especially during flu season.

Keep some space between students in the classroom and during activities during flu season. For example, add an extra table, sit in a larger circle, form lines at an arm's length.

Review and improve church cleaning practices and schedules, particularly anything people put their hands on and anything little children might put in their mouths (that is, all the toys in the nursery and toddler rooms should be cleaned weekly).

Place signs in bathrooms and hallways about washing hands and covering coughs.

Review, clean, and make necessary modifications to air handling systems. "Fresh is best." This should also include a "sick building or room" where mold or mildew might be a problem.

Practice safe food handling in the classroom and elsewhere. Train volunteers in safe food handling and distribution.

Train volunteers and nursery workers in safety policies, hygiene, and emergency practices. Make sure they have hand-sanitizing supplies and use them.

Review and update your volunteer background checks and student-contact policies. Include "signs and warnings" in volunteer and staff training.

Review unmonitored or unsafe areas in the building. Lock unused space. Review policies and practices regarding monitoring who is where in the building.

Review or create safe workplace policies and practices that protect and promote the health of pastors and staff.

Be an example to others of hope, care, safety, and patience.

And finally...  Have a plan to deliver at-home Sunday School and worship to those who cannot attend in-person, and reach out to children with illnesses and chronic issues. Compassion is more than a get-well card.

If you have something to add to this list, please post your reply.

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