Why renewing the same-old isn't the answer.
According to a 2019 Barna Research poll, 57% of church-going adults said they were tired or somewhat tired of the usual type of church experience.
This is from the people who were still attending church.
According to Barna,
Church attendance has been declining for decades, and is expected to keep declining due to cultural shifts. So the odds of you "renewing attendance" to some distant past number is probably a long shot.
Instead, renewing who to engage, disciple, and equip people will be the new "attendance."
Renewing will also mean renewing how we communicate, engage, and educate people.
"Churches still operate like cable TV in the 1980s. Tune in live or you don’t count. Whereas, now the culture increasingly operates like Netflix and YouTube." --they want to be able to consume your content and experiences on their schedule which doesn't always include 9 a.m. on Sunday morning.
To understand this, think of how YOU consume knowledge and communicate with distant friends online on YOUR schedule. That should give you an inkling of how your church and teaching materials and experiences need to become available to people who can't attend your live event, but still want to engage and grow.
Yes, it is easier just to expect every family to give you one hour a week for Sunday School. But increasingly, that is not the world we live in.