Editor's note:
This material was consolidated from a question in the Help forum.
The question was:
I'm working on a science workshop for the Creation story and wondered if anyone out there has done one or has ideas for science activities?
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Member WendyB replied:
Play a Guess-it game (what piece of creation is in a bag by feeling it) and create sun sensitive paper art.
We "hid" nature items in paper bags (leaves, feathers, seashells, starfish, turtle shell, etc.)and the kids had to feel them and guess what they were and what day God created them. Then we used sun sensitive paper (bought at The Learning Tree store) and the kids placed nature items on top of the paper. We took it out in the sun for a couple minutes. When they remove the items, the paper not covered is dark, and the shapes are light. It was one of their favorites that Rotation!
Member EllenK replied:
We let the kid's make "Slime." They had a ball. Our Art workshop is named the "8th Day of Creation" (I believe we borrowed that from a posting on this web site). After discussing and drawing the biblical creation story, I wanted the kids to experience "creating" and was looking for something different from our usual mediums. They experienced creating the medium by making slime and then forming their slime into unique "things." The kids took it as "the earth was formless and void."
Here's the "recipe" --
1 and 1/2 cup water
2 cups Elmer's glue (must be Elmer's)
Food Coloring
1 cup water
3 T. Borax detergent
In a large bowl mix really well 1 1/2 cups water, glue and food coloring. With 1 person stirring glue mixture, another person mixes 1 cup water with Borax, then stirs and pours Borax mixture into glue slowly. When you can no longer stir, begin to knead. It's done when there are no lumps or water left.
This stuff is lots of fun and we sent some home with each child in a ziploc bag. (Major discussion of playing with it a the kitchen table and not on the carpet!)
Member Julie Burton replied:
We made Crystal Gardens in our Creation Science Workshop. I don't have the instructions at hand, but any science book should have the instructions. Basically, we put a charcoal briquette in an aluminum pan, a little ammonia and some other materials. Crystal-like rocks grow from the charcoal.
The premise was that God spoke and creation came into being, but we must create from other things. It was really cool.
Laura Narney replied:
Make Handmade Paper and use it to make Thank You Cards
We are going to talk about how God charged man with taking care of his creation which will lead to a discussion on Ecology and Recycling. We will make handmade paper from recycled church bulletins and use the paper to make thank you notes to God for all he created!
- Creative Bible Learning: Science & Cooking, by Karyn Henly, preschoolers-kindergarten), Standard Publishing. ISBN: 9780784706992 (Note: Out of print, look for it as a used book)
- Amazing Science Devotions for Children's Ministry by Group Publishing. ISBN: 978-0764421051
- The Glad Scientist: Discovers the Creator ISBN: 978-0805402643
- The Glad Scientist: Visits Outer Space ISBN: 978-0805402650
The above two books are by Karol Ladd and published by Broadman and Holman.
The motto explains it - "Discovering the Creator Through Fantastically Fun Science Experiments"