"A Charlie Brown Christmas" - Birth of Jesus. Available anywhere.
"Home Alone" - Jesus in the Temple (at 12). Segments: (1) on the plane when mom discovers he's missing; (2) her efforts to get home; (3) when mom and son are reunited.
"Finding Nemo" - same story as above. Could also be used with the parable of the lost coin/sheep/son - searching diligently until it's found.
"Ben Hur" - Sermon on the mount. (available at most retailers or Amazon.com)
"The Nativity Story" - could be used with several stories: The visit with Elizabeth; the birth of John the Baptist; Jesus in the temple (the segment on their travel to Bethlehem and how they had to ration their food).
"Bruce Almighty" - several segments on prayer; Gifts of the Spirit.
"Liar Liar" - would be okay with the Ten Commandments (better with older children/teens. Some content may not be suitable for young children.)
"Planet Earth" segments could be good for Creation lessons. Can be done in short clips. Available online from Amazon.com.
"Jonah" by Veggie Tales. It's too long for a class time, but can easily be done in segments.
(Available at most retailers and Christian bookstores.)
"It's a Wonderful Life". Could be used with thematic lessons - spiritual gifts, love, community, prayer.
"The Prince of Egypt" - could be used with Baby Moses, slavery, exodus and deliverance. Could also be used during Lent to explain Passover.
"Akeelah and the Bee" could be used with thematic lessons. Community, encouragement, spiritual gifts.
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