Blessed Children
(as requested, here is the poem I used at the beginning of the presentation. You are welcome to share as long as you credit me.)
Blessed are the children who will not be quiet, for they have much to say.
Blessed are the children who cannot sit still, for they will move mountains.
Blessed are those who cry, for they will comfort and be comforted.
Blessed are the children who see things differently, for they will change the world.
Blessed are the children who are always dirty, for they are at one with creation.
Blessed are those who struggle to read, for they will hear and express the gospel in wonderful new ways.
Blessed are the children who work alone, for they will know themselves and God.
Blessed are the children who clown around, for they make everybody happy.
For we are all children of God, fearfully and wonderfully made.
©Dena Kitchens 2024
See a printable/shareable graphic of Dena's poem created by