Simeon & Anna (includes both)
1) DVD - "The King is Born" by Nest Entertainment (animated)
Chapter 2: Waiting for the Messiah
2:06--2:59 Opens with Simeon's vigil at the temple and women with him is Anna.
Chapter 10 - Joseph & Mary Go to the Temple.
16:38--18:04: Where they meet both Simeon & Anna
Activity Book that comes with DVD
Pg. 25 - Coloring Page of Simeon & Anna (Anna's holding baby Jesus)
2) YOU TUBE - "Rock Children's Ministry" - Kid's Sermon "Waiting on Baby Jesus".
All about Simeon and Anna - excellent! (8:37 mins).
You'll need internet access in your movie room, as it's not downloadable.
3) "Free Youth Sunday School Lessons with Movie Clips" for middle/high school students.
From member Nathanael (
Found on his website at
Once there look down for Session 4, as shown below.