Kid Pix is an art, illustrating, and storytelling software that was once described as "the first program every Bible computer lab should have on every computer" because of its versatility and wide age range.
Kid Pix has been around in public schools since the 90's and has gone through many updates. For years, Sunday Software sold versions 3 and 4, so you may see that version referenced in lessons at
The current edition of Kid Pix, known as both Kid Pix 5 and Kid Pix 3D, is owned and sold by MacKiev. "3D" is the downloadable version for Windows and Mac, KP5 is an app only for iPads.
Attached is Sunday Software's original guide and support PDF for Kid Pix 4.
As well, Sunday Software gave us their "patch file" that allows Kid Pix 4 to run in Windows 8, 10, and 11. Read about it and download it here.
In Kid Pix you can add voice overs to any picture using the Recording Feature, found under Sounds. Below photo shows students, at Hampton United Church, adding voice overs to photos they took in their Easter Story Table Workshop, which I imported into Kid Pix for the Computer Workshop.
This particular scene they are adding a voice over to is Jesus' Arrest (scenes were created with Lego).