Proverb Cookies Idea
Another idea you can use for the wisdom of Solomon is to make Proverbs Cookies (fortune cookies). The idea is not original to me, and I really thoguht I'd found it here, but I guess not since I didn't find it in a search of the archives.
We're doing Solomon in September (going along iwth our back to school theme as well). We plan to use this as a cooking workshop.
The lesson plan will go something like:
1. greet children
2. pray with children
3. read several proverbs, discuss meaning
4. discuss application to our lives today
5. practice writing proverbs as group
6. write proberbs on slips of paper for cookies
7. make "cookies" (slip in paper)
8. eat a cookie or two and save the rest to hand out at our monthly "friendship lunch" for visitors.
9. clean up
10. prayer & journal time