"Portable" Gethsemane Rock?
Tami Ziegler posted
Hi! Does anyone have a great idea or resource to make a "portable" Gethsemane Rock?
Each year we have a lenten family musical and it seems we always have a scene in the garden of Gethsemane. Thanks and God Bless!
Ken Wezeman posted
How realistic do you want your "rock?" You could use chicken wire covered with paper mache. Lots of work (and paper mache gets heavy), but you can spray it with gray paint and make it look like a real rock. Or you could take two folding chairs, set them back-to-back, put a box or something on each chair and drape the whole thing with grey fabric. It will look a lot like chairs draped with fabric, but if Jesus is kneeling next to it people will know it's a "rock." Put a few plants or flowers arount the base if you want.
JCarey posted
We have quickly created large rocks from a series of paper bags stuffed with newspaper and then stapled or hot glued together and then sprayed with the spray paint that looks like faux stone. You can create entire walls like this if you then glue the bags onto sheets of 4x8 cardboard that is cut irregular to disguise the rectangle shape. Fast, cheap and no storage needed although it can be stored. The paper mache works as well but is much messier. I like to include kids in creating and stuffed paper bags leave many age options for helping. If you do the paper mache you can do a final layer of stone colored tissue paper to avoid the tedium of painting.
Neil MacQueen posted
We've created large rocks by hand sewing burlap into large sacks which are then filled with newspaper or those styrofoam packing curls, then spray painted.
We've also used large sheets of furniture foam to make a "rock face" tomb. It was glue to plywood. Use a razor to cut chunks out of it. Spray paint for effect. You can see one such rock "tomb" in the PHOTOs page of this website --the Drama Workshop picture in Barrington's photo tour.
wuzupwithsundayschool posted
use cans of triple expanding spray insulating foam , on a cardboard box. it will take several cans... then spray with gray and black spray piant until desired affect.... you and throw these ...kids can't hurt them they dry hard and very light weight.... make sure you do not touch them until they have dried thoroughly.
Beverly Eddy posted
I love duct tape. We used chicken wire and covered it with duct tape. It's easy to use and very little mess!
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