Some Video Suggestions:
MMB: posted
Videos that would be good for teaching stewardship concepts:
VeggieTales: Madam Blueberry has to do with how we accumulate stuff.
Also, try the story of Flibber-O-Loo (not sure which tape it's on) to talk about using our time and talents to help those in need. [Moderator update - this is found on the VeggieTales DVD "Are You My Neighbor" and they renamed Flibber-O-Loo to "Tale of Two Cities".]
Neil posted:
How about "Stewardship Commercials" ?
"Don't be like this man who buried his talents in the ground..."
"Gifts that God really wants" that begins with "things God doesn't need."
Barb posted
We used "The Lorax" for Stewardship. It was perfect!
Editor notes: “The Lorax” DVD (or stream it from YouTube), 30 minutes (1972 animated TV Special). There is a lesson posted for this here.
Lisa M. posted
A video we've used for money type issues with kids is "Do the Right Thing" from the McGee & Me series. A young boy is deciding how to spend money he's earned.