Joseph Story-Drama and/or Art Workshop
View and print the attached PDF of the lesson
- Scripture: Genesis 41-42
- Focus: A retelling with props from Joseph's Story.
Activities: The attached lesson PDF has a narrator's or storyteller's script for retelling the story of Joseph. It includes the use of numerous props and invites students to come forward and uncover them as the story is told. The props are good visual hooks for the different scenes of the story.
Suggestions: With some simple additions and edits, the storyteller's script could easily be ACTED OUT by small groups of students who walk forward with the props and take on the roles described in the story. The storyteller would "direct" them in the creative walk-through.
Following the storytelling, the PROPS could be used to play a story-memory game by putting the props in the correct order.
As well, the storytelling script could form the basis of an ART project in which representations of each prop created by the students were glued together to form a story collage.
You are welcome to use it in part or entirely. In addition to printing the PDF, you can copy the text from the PDF by dragging it with your mouse and copying/pasting into your own document. You can quickly save the PDF to your computer, then upload the PDF to and convert it to a Word doc for easy editing in Word.