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Joanne Ryder posted April 21, 2004
I recently purchased a book called Clip and Tell Bible Stories by Lois Keffer, Group Publishing, 1995, ISBN 155945699X (OUT OF PRINT)
I saw that there was a second book titled Clip and Tell Some More Bible Stories by the same author, 1998 (ASIN: 0764420453). (OUT OF PRINT)
I have not been able to find that book anywhere. It is apparently out of print. We are getting ready to do a rotation on Paul's Conversion and this second book has a clip and tell story about that. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Lois Petersen replied April 22, 2004
Have you checked e-bay. When I have had to find something in the past, I have been fortunate on occasion to find it there. Good luck.
Jan Snell posted April 23, 2004
If you go to https://www.amazon.com, type in the title you may be able to find a used copy. You can check if it has what you want before you buy it. Barnes and Noble's web site also will refer you to sources for out of print items.
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