Outline of Holy Week lessons found in the SunScool Bible App
We created our own comprehensive listing of all the Palm Sunday, Last Supper, Cross, and Resurrection stories found in all four levels of the SunScool Bible App. We did so because the App's menu splits up its stories of Holy Week across many different sub-menus, some of which appear or don't appear depending on which age-level you have selected (L1, L2, L3, or L4). We know, however, that a teacher with younger children (Level 2 kids) can easily adapt to a story only found in Level 3, so it's helpful to know WHICH LEVEL has the story you want to teach -- and this guide does that!
How to use this listing:
Pick the Holy Week story you want to teach then scan our outlineto see what lessons are available in the app in all four levels. Then go to the app, select the age level your story is located in, and scroll down to the Menu's sub-section to find the story you want to use.