About the Auto-Renewal Reminders
We alert our Supporting Members to the auto-renew feature in many ways and places:
- at the time of your registration, in the welcome email
- in various reminder announcements throughout the year
- in several locations at our website
- in our terms of service
- and via the annual advance notice emailed prior to the actual auto-renew, and when the renewal happens.
Occasionally, someone's email program treats our email notifications, or those from Social Strata and Crowdstack, as "spam." However, because the initial registration process for our site cannot be completed without receiving our email, you did receive auto-renew info. We cannot be responsible for subsequent changes in your email settings that cause you to block our emails.
You will receive advance notification of your auto-renewal
One week prior to your membership's auto-renewal, you will receive an email notification from "pay@crowdstack.com" This is Social Strata's Crowdstack-Pay service.
If you do not want to auto-renew, and never turned off that feature, you need to immediately go here and turn off auto-renew.
If the credit card you used to create your membership has expired, you will receive an email alert asking you to access your account, and update your card info.
If your credit card has expired and you fail to update it, your membership will simply revert to "Registered Member" status, and you can upgrade it back to "Supporting" status at any time.
Thank you for being a part of the body of dedicated Supporting Members! This site depends on your loyalty to stay in operation!