Newsroom Drama lesson for the Near-sacrifice of Isaac
God’s Covenant With Abraham: Near-sacrifice of Isaac Newsroom Workshop is part of Creative Carol's complete lesson set. Students will experience the scripture by participating in a “News Show” to hear the characters of the story describe the almost-sacrifice of Isaac.
Video Lesson for the Near-sacrifice of Isaac
God’s Covenant With Abraham And Sarah Video Workshop in Creative Carol's lesson set includes discussion of the near-sacrifice of Isaac, which is part of this video that covers the entire story.
Carol has this comment about the video: "This is an animated video that has a narrator whom we see on occasion. This narrator calls us “the discovery team.” As you will see sometimes this narrator can act pretty silly."
COMPLETE LESSON SET: The Binding of Isaac
From First Congregational UCC, Red Oak, Iowa
Summary of lesson set:
- Background Material for Leaders
- Storytelling - tell the story and raise big questions
- Art Workshop - Collages of our Favorite Things - with a reflection on what it would feel like to sacrifice some of them
- Drama Workshop - contemporary skit (may be best performed (or recorded) by older students for younger students)