The Promise- Birth of the Messiah
by Glorious Films
In ancient Israel, during the days of King Herod, a young couple's world is turned upside down when the prophecy of a long-awaited deliverer unfolds upon their lives. They must trust in God's promise in the midst of rising challenges, and their faithfulness is rewarded as they witness the most surprising and glorious event of all human history - the promise fulfilled in the birth of the Messiah.
An animated Christmas musical made by Glorious Films, 2013, 602537531837 (45 mins).
Attention Supporting Members - A The Promise ~ Video Guide can be found here in our Bible Video Resource Forum (for Supporting Members).
This is a revised and updated guide that was previously posted below.
Video Trailer:
Special Thanks to "Glorious Films" for giving me permission to include pictures from the movie and the bible backgrounds written by Pastor Lon Vining for "The Promise - Birth of the Messiah", 2013, posted below.
Attention Supporting Members!
In addition to these notes, Luanne has written 3 wonderful lesson plans for the Writing Team featuring The Promise movie.
They include a detailed 1-lesson option that focuses on Mary's story and song, with select scenes from the movie and great discussion questions for each clip.
She also includes a 2-lesson plan option for showing the entire movie over two classes, and a third option for a family movie night.
Her "The Promise" lesson plans are part of the Writing Team's complete lesson set: Mary Accepts, Magnifies, and Ponders, ...and you should too!~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
In addition the Writing Team's Jesus is Born! uses The Promise DVD with a focus on Joseph.
Bible Backgrounds created for The Promise by Glorious Films
Tidbit: Rev. Lon Vining who wrote the bible backgrounds below was also the voice/singing talent for Gabriel!