Examples of the type of Christian Media available for free on YouTube
From videos to show to tell a story... to videos to elicit discussion... to videos to use to teach how to do an art project or how to play a game...
All of the following videos have been posted in our forums here at Rotation.org.
1. Thomas Nelson free "Read and Share" Bible Videos for Preschoolers. They've posted their entire series.
2. KidsHubTV
KidsHubTv is a television ministry based in South Africa. See all 34 of their videos at https://www.kidshubtv.com/en/default.aspx
The Great Banquet (which is hard to find on video) was one of their better ones, especially the party at the end
3. Psalm 8 Devotional Music Video featuring Train's "When I Look to the Sky." This was created for the Writing Team's Psalm 8 video-music workshop.
4. Many Christian artists have "official" lyric videos to their hit songs that are great for discussion.
Here's one we used in the Writing Team's Pentecost Music Workshop and turned into a worship activity.
5. Saddleback Church's big collection of Bible story "shorts" for kids.
88 short animated Bible videos. Go to their channel on YouTube. This one is about Paul.
6. Here's a Game Instructional Video which our Writing Team creatively re-imagined for a lesson about Obeying God in our Judges set's Games Workshop.
7. Need to teach kids how to weave using a cardboard loom?
Show a video! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbtKnvc_9No
Oh, there are so many more examples!