We don't have much on Isaac and Rebekah, probably because among most rotation folks it's not considered a central story.
Traditionally, teachers speak about Rebekah's generous hospitality (Genesis 24: willing to water the camels of a stranger, the servant of Abraham), and look at her willingness to be married to a kinsman sight unseen.
In focusing on the 'hospitality' idea...
I would play it like "Scenes from a Hat" from the show, Who's Line Is It Anyway? (if you're familiar with that show.) One at a time the kids step forward and must act out a scene of "unexpected hospitality" in the place mentioned on the slip of paper that they draw from the hat. Some possible scenes: grocery story checkout, school lunch line, kid coming late to Sunday School, new kid in worship, playground, baseball game.
Here's a short video from the "Read and Share Bible" about Rebekah and Abraham's servant at the well.
Isaac & Rebekah - Read And Share from Tommy Nelson on Vimeo.